F O U R T Y 2

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Jungkook could feel the side of his jaw throbbing, as he slow pulls his hand up to touch his face.

" Hyung-"

"Don't talk about her." Yoongi muttered,eyes narrowing once Jungkook

" You're still not over her? The girl who broke up with you? Hyung, give me a break." Jungkook sneered, standing up, wiping the newly formed blood from the corner of his lips. Yoongi scoffed, watching Jungkook move towards him.

" Don't compare Haeun to her. Just since you got dumped by you're stupid girlfriend-"

Yoongi pulled another punch, knuckles crackling as he did so. Jungkook stumbled to the side, already hearing a few students gasping in surprise. Yoongi parted his lips and let out a smirk.

" Haeun this Haeun that. Are you blind Jungkook? Does she have to look pretty for you to like her? She's worse than trash. What do you think I took that video for? Did you see her Jungkook? She was ugly before and she's ugly now, so what makes you-" Yoongi was sent flying, before he back hit the floor.

" Haeun isn't everything? You think I like her because she's pretty? She's annoying, and thinks the world revolves around but she's n it fake. What do you think she is? She's human hyung. She crys and hurts just as much as everyone else. I'm not that low of a person like you. And you sent that video of her just to prove a point to me? You're worse than her." He yelled back, eyes wavering as Yoongi wiped his lip, smearing blood as he did so.

The kids were now silent beside the door
slamming the council door shut. Yoongi took in a breath, hands clenched and the vein on his neck bulging slightly.

" Jungkook-ah I just don't want you to end up like me-" Yoongi said before Jungkook shook his head.

" Just leave hyung. You're making it worse than it already is," He said, already tasting the metallic liquid seeping into his mouth. The air seemed hotter and the voices outside were getting louder.

" Don't you see what I'm doing for you?" Yoongi asked, watching Jungkook suck in a breath and laugh. His forehead was glistening with dewdrops of sweat and the tie of his uniform was loosening.

" Why do you care so much about Haeun? You get so mad when it comes to her."

" She thinks that changing an outfit and a personality' s gonna make her loved by evryone." Yoongi cracks open the door and spots Hoseok standing at the front amongst the crowd, hands folded.

" Yoongi Hyung, what happened-" Hoseok begins, only to feel Yoongi shove him to the side. Hoseok gives a questioning look but quickly runs into the council room, shutting the door behind him to see Jungkook, hands covering his face.

" What just happened? Bro are you alright-" Hoseok walks over and stops once he looks at Jungkook's face which was now bleeding heavily with a bruise forming on his right jaw.

" What happened to you? " Hoseok asks carefully, sitting beside his friend who was currently in a daze. Jungkook touched his cheek, wincing once the wound started to sting.

Yoongi did this.

" WHAT ARE ALL YOU DOING HERE BY THE DOOR? GET TO CLASS." The sound of one of the deans screeched from the door. Hoseok jumps up and turns to the direction of the door which was starting to turn. Quickly, he spots Jungkook's jacket and pulls out a scarf from one of the pockets before tightly wrapping it around his friend's neck, hiding the bruises.

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