T W E N T Y 4

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" Slaving away with Jihyun's work? " Aruem heard the sound of Yoongi's raspy voice over her shoulder.

" Mind your own business." She said calmly, eyes focussed on the glare of the computer screen. Yoongi watched Aruem do so before quickly shutting off her computer, watching the screen swallow into black nothingness.

" What is actually wrong with you? " Aruem turned her head, glaring at the immature senior in front of her, while she turned back to see the male with a smirk on his face.

" Are you mad at me? "

" Oh me? Mad? No, Of course not." Aruem rolled her eyes and turned her computer back on, hoping her work was saved in the process. What was Yoongi doing? Even Aruem couldn't tell. Apart from acting like a rebelliously quiet five-year old, Yoongi did his job well, being a secretary and all.


Jungkook pulled the phone away from Haeun watching her suddenly tense up. Her jaw was clenched and her almost looked paralyzed.

" What are you-"

" That video. Where did you get it? " Haeun asked with almost of a growl in her voice. Jungkook stands up.

" Why do you ask-" Jungkook looks at the video once again. And then. Like a light switch.

It had clicked.

The familiar voice. The similar features.

" This girl..

" She's you isn't she?-" he said more asking himself than Haeun.


" No, It's not-It's not me." Jungkook could tell Haeun was lying. He had never seen her like this before. Her fingers were clawing wt her cuticles and for the first time, her face was flickering with nervousness.

" Anyways, I'm leaving early." Haeun said, grabbing her stuff and rushing out of the library, leaving Jungkook to sink into his thoughts.


" Was that girl in the video really Haeun? "

" No way."

" So Haeun wasn't as perfect as I thought."

" Why was I so scared of her in the first place?"

The stares were getting intense by the second and Haeun could feel her mouth go dry once she entered the school building. Who would possibly send that video to everyone? That video had taken place years ago back when Haeun was in middle school.

Back then when she was an idiot.

When she was obnoxious.

When she was naive.

" If it isn't the 'Queen'." A voice mocked Haeun turned to see Hoseok with his arms folded.

" And if it isn't the loser." Haeun shrugged, walking past the eager guy.

" You sure you can keep up that act with this new video flying around? " he quirked, waiting for Haeun's feet to to move to a halt.

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