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Or will you?

Jungkook had to accept it.

He had to accept that Haeun was the most stubborn person he had ever met.

He wanted to hate her. He want to hate her guts and the sharp glances she gave to everyone she passed.

But he couldn't.

Arguments  between him and her seemed to melt within time and soon enough Haeun was back to her flirts and teases that had unknowingly made Jungkook's heart jump.

He didn't hate her. That's wasn't it.

He just hated what she was doing to him.


It was lunchtime again and Haeun stretched her stiff bones once she left the classroom she'd been suffocated in all day long.

Math was boring, Korean History was boring.

Her life was practically boring.

But upon arriving at the cantine Haeun happliy grabbed her favorite snacks and skipped off to find a seat. In this place, everyone was in a group. Well almost everyone.

Haeun finally found an empty table where she set down her food and smoothened out her skirt before sitting down.

Haeun looked closer and her eyes went past Jungkook's table. It was the regular table. The one with Mirae, and Hoseok, as well as two others Haeun was unfamiliar with.

For some reason it just annoyed her as she watched Jungkook so happy. So. Incredibly Happy.

She watched the unique crinkles underneath his eyes as he smiled and the obvious little actions that made him anything but the rude and obnoxious vice president she knew he was.

Haeun comfortably sat at her table as everyone turned to check the perfect Kim Haeun sit victoriously, ruling over the empty area like it was her throne.

No one could set a foot there.

Now this was what Haeun liked. She liked the empty silence that cascaded within the circuit that was her life.

" Can you sit somewhere else? My friend's sitting here. Sorry." A haughty voice calls from behind.

Haeun rolled her eyes and opened her bag of bread and began to sink her teeth into the incredibly soft pastry, tasting the chocolate cream of deliciousness-

" But there's no other seats."A familiar voice states quietly.

" Do you think I care? Then just don't eat, maybe then you won't look so fat-"

" Why do I hear the sound of trash? " Haeun asked loud enough for the girls behind her to hear. She turned around and looked towards the table behind her.

There was a snobby looking girl with her crew ganging up on none other than Aruem who was holding her plate of food. Haeun got up from her table and made her way to Aruem. 

" You girls are ruining my lunchtime, so could you please shut your mouth and use it for something useful? Like maybe eating?" Haeun asked nicely. The girl crossed her arms and stood up. Her dignified pink lip stick was as visible as a highlighted section of a boring chapter.

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