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The morning air was crisp as Haeun walked out of her home. She had managed to escape from her mother's pleads of letting Jae come along with her to wherever she was going.

Apparently Jae said he wanted more get more hoodies and a new pair of headphones ( as if he didn't have 19829948 ones already ).

Haeun's chestnut hair was let down and it's ends were curled softly. Wisps of her baby hair were framed on her her forehead.

She was wearing a creme colored sweater with a plaid mint green skirt that passed just above her knees. Haeun smiled happily to herself and began walking to the bus station. Days like this were perfect.

Haeun reached the bus stop, sitting down on the seat, waiting for the bus to arrive.She looked around, fidgeting with her fingers as she notices Mr.Vice President walking to the bus station she was currently at. He didn't seem to notice her until she stood up to 'greet' him. Life couldn't get any better.

" What are you doing out here? " She asks, causing Jungkook to shift his direction towards her in just the slightest bit of surprise.

His normally neat and tidy bangs that looked like a smooth coconut was messily covering his eyes. Scanning Jungkook she noticed he was wearing a black hoodie along with some jeans.
He looked good but Haeun looked better.

" You don't need to know," Jungkook shrugged. Haeun huffed as the bus quickly drove up to the two. The doors opened and Haeun got in first before Jungkook.

It was near filled with barely any space. Many people had taken up all the seats and Haeun sighed, deciding to back up so that she could leave while she had the chance. How ever her back hits Jungkook's chest and she turns to see him staring at uncomfortably. Haeun looked right into his eyes, before responding.

" Take a picture, it lasts longer."

Jungkook pushed her off and rolled his eyes, coughing a bit. As much as Haeun wanted to annoy him, her chest kept tightening at the sight of all the people squished up against her. She took a deep breath and held onto one of the handles, trying to focus on the music.


After a few moments Haeun looked out the window, spotting a shopping complex before preparing to get out. She gave Jungkook a flirty smile and started to squeeze past him, only to see Jungkook moving with her as well.

The two squeeze past all the annoyed people and get out of the bus in nearly a sweat. Haeun glares discreetly at Jungkook.

" Are you following me? " she asks.

" No, I'm meeting someone here." Jungkook says before his frown turns into a gentle smile.

" Mirae," he calls out and Haeun turns to see Mirae smiling and walking towards the two.

" Jungkook..and Haeun? " she asks, extremely confused and a little scared. Haeun wanted to roll her eyes at her fake-ness.

" Should we go? " Jungkook moves to Mirae.

" Are you two going somewhere? "

" Um..yeah. We were planning to head to
a cafe- " Mirae begins nervously. Haeun smirks and hooks her arm around Jungkook.

" Ooh sounds like fun, mind if I join? " Haeun asks.

Haeun : 2

Jungkook : 0

Mirae : 0



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