T H I R T Y 8

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Haeun laid on her bed, arms and legs spread out to emulate a starfish. Jungkook's words were still managing to tangle into her thoughts. What on earth was he trying to accomplish by saying those words? The more she thought, the more it began to dawn on her. Jungkook didn't want her to stop hanging from him, did he? Haeun couldn't help but let out a haughty little laugh, a victorious spark of adrenaline surging through her chest.

But of course, who wouldn't want to be Haeun? Even the Vice President couldn't help himself.

" Ewwww Noona are you drooling? You act like a loyal dog whenever you see Jungkook hyung."

" Am not."

" Are too."

" Am not."

" Are too."

" Am-"

" Are you too fighting over a boy now? " the two's mother walks into the bedroom, with a massaging rolling wheel pressed up against her cheek. Haeun could hardly even understand why her already youthful looking mother would need to be rolling her skin out for nonexistent wrinkles.


Haeun forms a hand into a fist, making Jae smile coyly.

" Hmm, boy you say? " her mom asks, watching her daughter suspiciously.

Haeun shook her head, hands forming into a large x above her head,

" No, Jae's just making stupid things up."

" I'm not saying stupid things,"

" Oh I'm sorry, you're right. You're just stupid, period." Haeun cackled, rolling on her bed.



Jungkook watched Haeun, who was sitting with a bunch of her so-called friends. She was a natural faker. Blinding people with her petty smile. Jungkook let out another sigh and walked to her side of the cafeteria spotting more who gave him a smiled patting to the spot next to her. Mirae smiled and scooted back so that she could let Jungkook sit. Hoseok was talking excitedly to Namjoon who has either half listening, or half ignoring his friend. Jungkook looks over to Jimin, watching him struggle to open the lip of the milk carton in his hands. Yoongi, however, grabbed it from Jimin's hands, opening it quickly before handing it back to Jimin. Jimin gives Yoongi an eyebrow raise and sips his milk.

" You won't get any taller by drinking that."

" Oh yeah, that rich, coming from you hyung."

" At least my personality makes up for my height, dork."

" But your looks don't."

" OHHHHHHH." Hoseok squeals.

Jim in rolls his eyes.

" With this milk, I be so tall every girl in this school is going to be tripping on their feet for me."

" Like they already don't" Mirae asks. Jimin laughs.

" Hey guys," Jungkook says. All the members tilt their heads to him before turning back to their own businesses. Mirae laughed, watching Jungkook with a frown etched on his face.

" Awe Jungkook, looks like no one wants to talk to you."

" Except me.

Hoseok rolled his eyes.

" What a power couple. Guys, you can stop now, the girls behind me are staring holes and I can feel it." He grumbled.

Jungkook, even though he was in the same year as Hoseok, Jimin, and Namjoon, he was the youngest from the bunch, and it was only right that the group makes fun of him. Jungkook gave Hoseok a glare and sighed afterward, grabbing Jimin's milk and chugging it down. Jimin gives him a highly offended scoff.

" Who do you think you are?" Jimin hisses, swiping the carton to see that it was indeed, empty.

" The maknae, obviously." Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows playfully before MIrae and Jimin roll their eyes. Yoongi shakes his head and takes a bit from his rice.

" Guys, can you guess what tomorrow will be?"

" Saturday, we have a math quiz on Monday too. Thanks for reminding me Mirae." Hoseok groans. Mirae gives Hoseok a glare, hitting his arm.

" No, you idiot." Mirae glares, fixing her hair.

" It's my birthday."

" Oh wow, you're aging. Congrats." Hoseok adds, earning yet another slap from Mirae.

" Was anyone talking to you bro?" Mirae asks.

" Geez, chill Mirae." Jungkook laughs, holding back her shoulder.

" Of course, the guys and I planned something special for you." Jungkook smiled warmly to her.

" We did?" Hoseok asked.

" You did?" Jimin guffawed.

" Says who?" Yoongi inquires.

" We did." Jungkook groaned, watching the three males offer a confused expression. Mirae folds her arms and glares at them.

" We're going to karaoke." Jungkook smiles wickedly, winking over at Mirae.


" Did you hear Haeun? It's Mirae's birthday. I hear the boys are celebrating with her by going to karaoke. Ugh, she's the luckiest girl alive. She's always surrounded by Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi and our handsome vice president." Miyeon glares over at the popular table who seemed to laugh amongst each other.

Haeun scoffs, watching Jungkook barely even turn his head toward her. One of the other girls who had to befriend Haeun, Kim Songha, crinkled her nose.

" Mirae thinks she's everything."

" You think so?" Haeun smiled, eyes still on the group of friends.

"Then how about we crash their party?" Haeun grins her evil demeanor awakening once more.


- this chapter's pretty short, srry about that

- LOLOL the person wasn't revealed yet, I just realized. This reveal has to be perfect so bare w me

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