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Jungkook stared in disbelief, watching Haeun clutching his arm tightly while Mirae watched with a pained expression on her face.

" Oooh, mind if I join? " Haeun asked. Jungkook his hand away quickly and stares at Mirae who was biting her lips.

" Actually me and Mirae-"

"-Would love to let you come along," Mirae said, lightly hitting Jungkook's arm as they lay limp against his side. 

" Really? Great. What are we waiting for? " Haeun smiled, walking ahead.

" What are you thinking? She pushed you," he whispered beside Mirae.

" It's okay Jungkook-ah, it really wasn't her fault. And anyway, let's just let her come."

Meanwhile, Haeun was walking slowly by herself, drowning in her thoughts. She would have almost felt bad for Jungkook for liking a player like Mirae. 

First Hansol, now Jungkook.

Mirae also had seemed to be popular in school as well. With her amazingly sweet and funny personality, she was loved by everyone.

But Haeun knew her better. Mirae was fake, she just couldn't prove it to anyone. Yet. 


The time in the cafe was upsettingly awkward. It was actually like Haeun was third-wheeling a couple. Mirae was smiling cheesily at Jungkook while she tried to put a cherry into his mouth.

She felt like throwing up from the way they were acting.

" So, are you two dating? " Haeun asked, intertwining her fingers together.

Jungkook shook his head immediately followed by Mirae who was blushing profusely while she popped the cherry she was holding into her mouth.

" We're just friends." She said.

So don't go look at me with that look in your eyes, Haeun nearly wheezed as the song popped into her head.

" Oh really? " Haeun smiled snidely, enjoying the discomforting reaction of the Vice President.

" That's good then, you see I might have a little crush on Jungkook." She said out loud. Haeun stared right at Jungkook, making sure her eyes were in contact with his russet ones. It was a heavy habit of hers, making eye contact with someone without breaking it off.

Jungkook eventually looked away and Haeun smiled before turning to Mirae. Her eyebrows were furrowed for a few seconds until she broke into a smile.

If she fake smiled one more time Haeun was going to lose it.

" Ah really? That's so blunt of you, Haeun.I'm going to the bathroom for a second." Mirae stood up, expression vaguely subtle.

" Are you joking? " Jungkook asked, teasing his hair up in annoyance once Mirae left.

" Me? Joking? I didn't those all those things if I was."

" You're really the worst of the worst."

" So I've heard," she shrugged, sipping on her coffee.

" I'm going to the bathroom, Mirae's taking quite some time," she said, standing up to straighten her dress. Then Mirae came walking over and Haeun squinted to notice the puffiness under her eyes. She was crying.

" Hey Mirae, could you give me and Haeun one second? "

" Sure."

"Come with me," Jungkook said, walking outside of the shop while Haeun gave Mirae a final glance.

" What is it Jungkook? " she asked innocently.

" Why are you doing this? Do you like breaking other people? " he asked.

" Me? I don't break people. People break themselves." Haeun fidgeted with her fingers, aggressively digging her nails into her cuticles.

" Then maybe someone should break you,"

As if no one has before, Haeun thought bitterly.

Suddenly Jungkook bent close to Haeun, and she sucked in a breath, as his fingers held her chin gently.

" Haeun-" he said, leaning close. She stared back with her gut telling her to move back.

" You might be pretty on the outside, but you're more than ugly on the inside," he whispered, before letting her go.

Jungkook: 1

Haeun : 0

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