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Haeun stepped out of class, ready to ruin Jungkook's perfect life once more. Oh, but how should she do this?

Entering into the bathroom two girls had already reserved all the sink spaces for themselves, placing their makeup bags to signify territory. Haeyn could care less as she mutters an
" Excuse me " and pushes aside the makeup bags, not even blinking an eye as one lip stick tube falls into the sink.

" Hey, watch it! " One of the girls practically yell, picking up the wet lipstick tube gingerly with her fingers.

" What? Who told you to put your things where they don't belong? " Haeun shrugged, washing her hands.

" We came here first so, you should wait.your.turn." One of the girls haughtily stated before shoving past Haeun.

" So two people need to use up all four of the sinks and I need to, quote on quote ' Wait my turn' ? "

" Yeah, obviously." The girl besides Haeun shrugged.

" Funny. That's not how you run by the schools." Haeun felt the urge to report them to Jungkook while she said before walking out of the bathroom.


Jungkook's face was etched with disapointment as his test paper in math was blotched in red ink. He sucked at math and nothing in the world seemed to ever change that.

He turned to Mirae who was tapping away at her phone calmly placing her 98% test paper into her folder. He was beyond jealous.

" Someone a little upset that he got a 60 on his test? " The annoying voice of Haeun rang into his ears. Jungkook rolled his eyes and look up to see Haeun standing in front of his seat.

Haeun was gorgeous. With her pale face and appealing body. Jungkook had to admit to her looks. However nothing could stand for her wicked personality. He'd seen her many times, making girls cry as she threw insults ( not to mention basketballs too ) into people's faces.

Mirae looked over to Jungkook then back at Haeun, giving him an apologetic look that seemed to say " good luck buddy."

" Not as upset as you're going to be once I report you for breaching Rule #568 : Wearing shorts above the thigh. " Haeun flashed a smile.

" Jungkook-ssi, you're not concerned someone's going to steal me away, are you? " She added, poking his shoulder with her finger. She leaned closer and hovered beside Jungkook's ear as he felt her breath sending shivers down his spine.

" Don't worry, you know that I'm all yours." He said, before moving away. Even Mirae's eyes seemed to be popping out from surprise. Jungkook's jaw was aching from holding his mouth open for so long while his eyes kept a watch on Haeun who went back to sit at her table.

Mirae was clearly blowing smoke from her ears as Haeun smirked. Even Jungkook looked a little shook.

Jeon Jungkook, you don't even know what's coming for you yet.

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