F O U R T Y 5

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Haeun was having the time of her life at the moment, watching from afar as Jungkook gets mauled by a few worried girls,who were all holding some type of offering in hopes that Jungkook would take.

" Jungkookk, can you tutor me for Math? "

Haeun snorted.

Jungkook and math were two things she never heard in the same sentence.

" Jungkook-ah, can you please tell me where you got your hair done? It's so nice."

He was going to grow bald with the chemicals in the end.

" Oh Jungkook what happened to your lip? Is it alright? "

" Do you want a bandaid? " One girl asked, handing him a pink colored bandaid.

Sis, he only uses Iron Man. Haeun thought

Clearly the poor soul was being hopelessly attacked by a bunch of female students, and Haeun couldn't help but let out a giggle, before walking casually over to the bunch of girls, who were flustering Mr.Vice President.

" Jungkook," Haeun called, causing the name's owner to flip his head towards her with wide eyes. She could see the tips of his ears blooming into roses from the uncontrollable amount of females who were nearly ontop of him, and watched the other girls gape in surprise to see Haeun standing in front of them.

" Can you come with me? I need to talk to you." Haeun bluntly inquired. Jungkook turned to the girls, muttering a few 'sorry's' before he squeezes past them and brushing his shoulders with Haeun in the process.

Haeun gives him a smile, turning to the girl's who were practically glaring her down.

" Sorry girls, this one is taken." Haeun says, taking Jugkook's large hand and enlacing her fingers with his.


" You're as touchy as normal." Jungkook says once the two were a significantly fine distance away from the girls. Staring at his hand, Jungkook trys hard to ignore the how Haeun's warm hand was fit snugly in his.

" If anyone's going to annoy you, then it's me."  Haeun quipped, satisfied with the fact that Jungkook still hadn't let go.

" Shoot," Jungkook muttered, eyes landing on a few guys who were walking down the hallway.

Jungkook smoothly spins Haeun around, dragging her to the empty gym, before carefully shutting the door. The back of his hand was involuntarily placed on Haeun's head and, the other was securely holding onto her forearm.

The large gym swallowed the two whole. The lights were off, with only the large windows letting sunlight into the huge area.

" What are you doing? " Haeun asked, her voice echoing slightly.

" Shh." Jungkook whispers. Haeun inhaled sharply and waited beside the vice president, also trying to listen as well, although, still quiet unsure of who she was supposed to hear.

" The Dean's been searching for me." He mutters. Haeun rolls her eyes.

" What did you do? Liter? "

"Shut up." Jungkook grumbles, before turning to Haeun. Jungkook swallowed nervously, eyes watching Haeun like a hawk, unsure of her motives. Haeun moves closer, a smile still evident on her face.

Jungkook shuts his eyes, mentally preparing himself, before he feels a soft pair of-

Jungkook opens his eyes and sees Haeun smiling cheekily, with her finger pressed against his lips.

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