F O U R T Y 3

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Jungkook just couldn't tell.

Couldn't tell if he liked Haeun.

Or simply if he just hated her.

Whatever it was, was making him lose his mind.

He had a fight with one of his best friends, got punched and even lied, all for Haeun.

" Jungkook." Hoseok called, awakening him from his thoughts.

" Oh? Oh, it's you." Jungkook replied with a

" Yeah it's me stupid. What happened out there Jeon Jungkook? Do you know what I had to tell the Dean once everyone left? And what's with the cut on your face??"

" You ask a lot of questions—"

" And do you expect me not to? Ridiculous. Yoongi hyung's not even answering his phone. Did you fight with him? " Hoseok left out a tired breath, rubbing his hands tiredly against his face. The nike sweatband of his laid dangling off his wrist an Jungkook couldn't help but pat his friend's shoulder.

" Hoseok, I'll tell you everything, I promise. Just...let's get back to class first okay? " Jungkook murmured,

" Jungkook.." Hoseok started, but Jungkook had already left the nurse's office, leaving Hoseok alone.


Once Jungkook entered the class which was ready to start, he pulled out his chair and turned to Mirae who raised her eyes brows.

" What happened to your lip? " she whispered once the teacher rapped his wooden stick against the table echoing loud slaps. Mirae tugged back her hair, sending wisps of her hazelnut hair into her eyes.

" I was trying to get a box of printer paper and the corner hit my lip." Jungkook shrugged, uncapping the pen and writing out a neat heading. He stops after a few seconds, dazed by the black paper, and turns his head back to Mirae.

Mirae pursed her lips, forehead creasing in worry.

" Do your work Mirae, you'll wear out my face if you stare too long." Jungkook mutters, flicking Mirae's head with his pen.


Haeun stretches her arms, eyes moving past Miyeon and towards the back, to find Hoseok's seat empty. Even after visiting Jungkook, so many things were yet to be explained.

Why were Yoongi and Jungkook fighting?

" Haeun." Miyeon calls out, startling Haeun.

" Huh? "

" Were you even listening Haeun?

" Ah, sorry." Haeun laughs nervously, before  Miyeon begins her ever so long story.

Something was up between Jungkook and Yoongi.

And she was going to find out what.


The bell to signal the end of class rang, and within moments, students dashed out of the building, running off to  the computer cafe, or maybe even to a coffee shop, while others headed to the bus to get to their five hour cram classes.

Haeun got out too, mannaging escape
" Oh Jungk—"

" He's with Mirae right now, so don't embarrass yourself." Hoseok muttered, cutting Haeun off.

But it was true, Mirae came running to Jungkook's side, finally catching up to him before the two headed off. The vice president sent the girl a smile, the corner of his eyes crinkling he did so, revealing his Invisalign model teeth. The golden hair Jungkook sported lustered under the sun, looking more like golden strands rather than hair follicles.

" Oh..Hoseok. It's you." Hoseok rolls his eyes at the comment.

" Where have I heard that before?" He grumbled.

" You're Jungkook's best friend, why don't you tell me what the whole incident was about?"

" Why should I tell you? " Hoseok counters. Haeun opens her mouth, but then abruptly shuts it afterwards. Hoseok lets out a sigh.

" Even I don't know. Jungkook won't say a thing about it."

"I see." Haeun nods but gapes once Hoseok starts walking off.

"Hey, wait!"

" What do you want now?" Hoseok asked, clearly annoyed.

" We walk the same way anyhow, it's going to be awkward you know." Haeun shrugs.

" Then you can find a different way home." Hoseok shrugs.

" I can see where Jungkook gets his saltiness from." Haeun huffs.

" How's Hyunbin."

" Don't even start. He's obsessed over you."

" Oh?" Haeun giggles, imagines Hoseok little brother holding a banner with his face on it.

" He has good taste, for a kid." Haeun nods, trying to match to Hoseok's large strides.

" Hey Hoseok."

" What now? "

" Does Jungkook like Mirae? "

" Isn't that obvious? They've been friends for a few years nows."

" I mean the other like." She rolls her eyes before batting her eyelashes at Hoseok who holds a laugh.

Hoseok stays quiet for a moment before shoving his hands into his pockets.

" Why are you asking me? It's Jungkook who knows."



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— this book never sucked more :D
— pls stop its only getting worse

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