T H I R T Y 1

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" Sometimes I wonder if I'm dealing with this pain not because I have to, but because I want to," Haeun spoke aloud, trying to grasp the feel of the character in her story. She couldn't understand what it meant at the moment since it was part of some sort of text analysis for her Korean Lit vacation homework.

And aside from that she still wasn't all that focused either considering her actions a week ago. Christmas had gone by as if it was nothing, and all that was left was New Years. Winter break was just starting and she was still lying on her bed, meaninglessly wasting time. Haeun almost feels her undone winter homework taunting her as if it was saying " see you the day before school starts, you loser."

Haeun closed her eyes for a moment, setting her book down.

" Yeah, and her name is Mirae."

Jungkook's words her unsettling to Haeun. Was it true? Probably. After all, why wouldn't they go out? But the real question was,

Why did she care?

Originally she had planned to at least ruin the life Mirae the perfect as well as Jeon Jungkook because clearly, she couldn't have let someone who slapped her in the face go so easily.


The playground seemed to be Haeun's go-to place nowadays it had seemed. With a quick stop at the cornerstone, Haeun had successfully bought a bag of snacks fit for a cold day of Winter. She still had a sore throat from her cold from last week, but it wasn't stopping her.

As she trails past the playground swing set, Haeun spots Jungkook, sitting on one of the small playground steps.

" Having fun? " Haeun asks, walking over to Jungkook. With his large timberland boots accompanied by a long padded jacket, the guys seemed to be ready for a photo shoot.

" It's always you." Jungkook groans, standing up.

" You know, we should really exchange numbers." Haeun smiled, pulling out her phone.

" No thanks."

" Too bad,"

Haeun smirked, sticking her hands into Jungkook's warm pockets. She feels a thin metal object and pulls it out, revealing his shiny black phone. After tapping on the screen a few times Jungkook's hand reaches out to grab his precious device.

" What do you think you're doing?"

" Getting your number, obviously." Haeun winked.

Haeun takes a step back and starts climbing up the playground, slipping onto the spiral slide and carefully typing into Jungkook's phone. Jungkook climbs up too and Haeun squeals like a child and lets herself go. However, she feels a pair of hands wrap around her shoulder tightly and turns to see Jungkook before the two slides down the twisted metal equipment. Once the fun little ride ends, Haeun finds herself tucked into Jungkook's arms. Jungkook's breathing slows and Haeun finds herself feeling giddy about their position.

" You know that I rather get a new number than answer your calls, right?" Jungkook asks, voice raspy in her ears. After hearing Haeun's own phone ring, she smiles and hands over Jungkook's phone as he gets down as well.

" Who do you think you are taking my phone like that? "


After getting comfortable on the swingset, Haeun pulls out a popsicle from her pocket, causing Jungkook to stare at her weirdly.

" What?" Haeun asks, struggling to open the cover with her frigid fingertips. Jungkook rolls his eyes.

" Are you trying to catch pneumonia? And you're still sick too."

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