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Haeun yawned as she walked out of class after the last bell before lunch rang. She was tired and the fact that she still had many many many days left of school had her depressed.

She heard a string of laughter fill up the semi loud hallway and turned around to see Jungkook, laughing his head off amongst three other equally handsome guys.

Haeun watched the way the skin under Jungkook's eyes crinkled as he showed off his bunny teeth. He looked so happy.

And while his friends were cute, they probably had the same " I'm handsome so I'm better than you " aura coming out from them. Not like Haeun didn't either, but she knew ( from Hansol ) that it was extremely possible.

Haeun watched around the shining boys looking at girls giggling and whispering amongst themselves.

It was all " looks before personality " and Haeun knew the drill. A bunch of girls trying to leave a good impression off of their one sided loves. Ignoring the group Haeun trailed her way into the bathroom.

Other than fixing her makeup, Haeun had spent an equally deserving amount of time checking her scores on her phone and planning time to study at home.

Today was none other than the usual, looking at the mirror, making derp faces when no one was around, and of course , actually using the bathroom. However a girl walked in, head hung low and long black hair covering her face. She looked tired, seeing how Haeun managed to glimpse at the girl's eye bags. She noticed the girl immediately.

Hyun Areum.

Aruem was in her class and she was nearly invisible. She sat in front of Jungkook with an empty seat right beside her.

Aruem didn't seem to care about the fact that the well known " Haeun " was standing by her when she hears a ding from a phone that wasn't Haeun's causes Areum to gasp at her phone in utter disbelief.

Comcerned, Haeun continues to looks at Aruem and watches in shock to see the girl's eyes fill with tears.

" Are you um, okay? " Haeun asks. Aruem stares at the girl and puts her head down.

" It's too late." She said, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her blazer before walking out of the bathroom.

What was too late?

The intrigued Haeun walks out of the bathroom as well, watching Aruem trudge far away wiping her eyes again.

" Weird." Haeun mutters, walking to the library.


Haeun walks into the huge library, cringing at the memory of her re-shelving books that Jumgkook made her do. She had gotten at-least three paper cuts from accidentally let her finger glide by the thin papers of the books she shelved.

She looks around the library, looking for a spot to sit down. It's just until she spots Jungkook's watching her intently that she decides to make a beeline back out of the library. However it was a given rule that people who entered the library could not leave until lunch had finished. And Jungkook was watching watching her like an eagle could easily write her up for breaking rules.

Haeun pretended to have never seen Jungkook and speeds away to hopefully hide herself amongst the books. She was horrified that Jungkook would threaten her to volunteer work.

After successfully reaching the aisle that dealt with Pre-calculus, Haeun peaked her head from one end of the book shelf as she looked around to make sure she was safe.

" Having fun? " Jungkook asks, making Haeun jump. She hold her beating heart and is about to send a murdurous glare and maybe even throw a heavy 9000 page-dictionary at his head for scaring her, but she smiles graciously instead. Jungkook stood on the other end as he brushes off nonexistent dust from his blazer.

" I thought you were with your friends." Haeun says, watching Jungkook stare at her hands. She also looks to where he was staring to realize that the iron man bandaid was still wrapped comfortably around the scratch. Haeun pulled her hands behind her back and

" We came here to study, but I'm sure you came here for something else." He shrugged, grabbing a calculus book. Haeun rolled her eyes.

" You seem to really be struggling in math." Haeun brought up, watching Jungkook look her in the eye.

" I have a lot of things to do in the council, and it's only the first month of school." Jumgkook shrugged, flipping a page from the book he pulled out.

"Funny, I never knew people studied by reading their books upside down. But don't worry, when you're with me I can make you get hundreds on every math test you take." Haeun laughed, walking over to Jungkook. She took the book from his hands and flipped it so that it was right side up.

Size comparison wise Jungkook was like a giraffe, and Haeun's head was up to Jungkook. She envied his height. Being short was no walk in the park seeing how she couldn't reach the best books that were just coincidentally shelved at the very top.

" You're shameless Kim Haeun. Mirae is better than.." Jungkook stopped himself, looking back at Haeun who was frowning."

" You want me to act like Mirae? " she asked, placing two hands on either side of Jungkook who was backed up against the book shelf.

" What do you think you're doing? " he asks.Haeun leans in closer so that they are inches apart. Haeun takes her time to study Jungkook's face, trailing past his auburn eyes and his lips which were pressed into a thin line. His hands grip onto Haeun's wrist and pulls her off of him.

" I'm being the girl who you think
is so perfect."

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