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- A little on the sad side.
- If you want you can listen to the song above when you see the "^^" symbol

Haeun could feel her throat constricting, watching as the guy who only a few moments ago was just a friend of Jungkook's, was now the same guy who had ruined her childhood. It was starting to get loud inside the karaoke room.

" You're Yoongi? The one from Jungson Middle School?" She asked.

" Who else? " Yoongi smiled back, running a hand through the single strands of ebony hair which was casting shadows against his eyes.

" Who do you think you're talking to you?"

" Shouldn't I be asking you that question? Where did the 'Sunbae this' and ' Sunbae that' go? " Yoongi shrugs, watching Haeun's face warp into one of disgust.

" Why didn't you tell me his sooner? How did you know it was me? Where did you g-" Yoongi pulls both of his hands up to stop her from saying anything else.

" Listen, I would love to hear more, but I really can't and don't want to. I have to attend a party." He says, walking away from Haeun, as if the incident he had created had nothing to do with him.

" Enjoy your time here, or not."

" Yoon-" Haeun's words were cut off from the sound of the closing squeak of the door.



Jungkook went back into the room, standing in the center of lights. He stares back at the door and rips the beanie off his head and throws it aggressively to ground.

The nylon cloth lays limp on the black tiled floor as Jungkook walks over to the seated cushion, slumping down. He covered his face with his clammy hands, feeling the beat if his heart fasten by each moment.

" I'm an idiot." He whispers out.

"Such an idiot." He groans, rubbing his face.

What was he thinking?

Kim Haeun was the essence of evil. From he way she dressed to the way she acted, it was no wonder that everyone in school either despised her or just longed for her attention.

But all those instances where he was alone with her. Watching her passing by through the halls. Maybe he was starting to fall for her. Even if it was just bit by bit.

Jungkook could feel his fists clenching tightly, fingernails starting to etch soft c's into his palms. The lights that were just a few moments ago a welcoming sight now felt like a spotlight brilliantly placed upon Jungkook.

He stared back at his hands again. Those hands could have held on to her. They could have showed her that he didn't mean all of what he said.

They could have showed her that he actually cared for her, more than she or Jungkook himself could even imagine.

" Jungkook, are you alright? " Yoongi asks, picking up the beanie, and briefly brushing it off before dropping it on Jungkook's lap.

Jungkook picked his head up and gave his friend a light smile.

" I'm fine hyung."Jungkook said, watching Yoongi sit beside him.

" Did you get Mirae's cake? " Yoongi asks, placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

" Yeah, it's in the fridge."

" Good. I even brought her a gift." He said keenly, leaning over to eye Jungkook once more.

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