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New thoughts were twisting around in Haeun's head. The image of Jungkook's face still hadn't seemed to disappear from her head.


After walking out of the bathroom she begins walking to the cafeteria again, ignoring the hard stone glare that Hansol was giving her. She turns her head and then spots Jungkook sitting amongst his friends.


Just staring at their pretty little faces made her mad. After walking to the canteen area, nearly all the girls moved to give room for Haeun. Everyone was scared of her, it was obvious. Just because she got angry. Just because she was being who she was.

No one accepts the mean girls. What's left is just a pretty face. Many are envious of her, but what's more, she's envious of them.

As Haeun headed into the front of the canteen, her eyes look for her favorite brand of bread wrapped neatly in a corner. She starts to reach it, but a hand grabs it before she can. Livid, Haeun turns to see who dared to take her nearly claimed bread and sees that its none other than Hoseok.

Hoseok's tall, but not as tall as Jungkook so Haeun can give him a comfortable dagger filled glare at eye level.

" Had fun getting trouble in gym? " He asks, obvious to the fact that he did that on purpose.

" Listen up Hose-sock. That ball was meant for you." She muttered under breath. Haeun watches him reveal his high cheekbones as he laughs at her.

" Too bad it didn't hit me then, right? " he asks, grabbing a few more items and piling them onto his tray.

" Yeah..that's a shame. But I'm glad that this will." Haeun smiles, elbowing Hoseok's stomach harshly, watching his tray crumble to the floor.

" And keep the bread, maybe you'll grow up and be a big strong boy. Maybe."

Almost cackling like a proud witch who had successfully made a potion, Haeun begins to find an empty seat, internally crying at the fact that she had nothing to eat. She turns to see Jungkook who's already up to go help Hoseok. Hoseok mutters something to Jungkook which then causes him to turn his head immediately to where Haeun was sitting.

Jungkook walks over to Haeun and folds his arms.

" I have to talk to you." He says curtly. Haeun shrugged, getting up while simultaneously feeling the tight knot in her throat. She turns around to see Mirae kneeling by Hoseok's side, helping him pick up the bread while the rest of his friends cave around to help.

Must be nice having friends who care.


" Who told you to hurt him like that? "

" What? It was a little jab. " Haeun says shrugging once more to prove her lack of care.

" He's my best friend."

" Oh that's amazing. Do I need to get expelled from the school because I hurt Mr.Vice President's bestie? " Haeun looked up at Jungkook, fully annoyed by their height difference.

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