F O U R T Y 4

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Aruem wasn't sure how he felt after all that. The president of the student council had made sure to hand over some work so Aruem was stuck during her lunch to go over a few senior payments before sending them to the principal.

The door's handle turns, metal clanging as Aruem spots Yoongi stepping inside the council room, shutting the door behind them.

" Got into another fight? " she asks, refusing to take her eyes away from the computer

" How did you tell?" he asked, almost in a daze. The incident before was a blur to Yoongi as he sits down on a chair near Aruem.

" I had a feeling once I left the room." Aruem shrugged,failing to keep the raven hair of hers from falling into her face.

A bag of potato chips lay beside her and a computer screen which was filled with tabs for exo tickets.

Yoongi watched her carefully, fond of the way her pale face held such a serious look. He laid his head on the table, casually gazing at Aruem.

The room was quiet, nothing but a sound of Aruem tapping away at her screen. She had no clue why a guy like him always stayed with her. He was too popular amongst the seniors and juniors within his class, and was sure a handful of girls were ogling him from afar.

But Aruem couldn't act like she didn't know. She saw the video that was sent out. The oddly familiar boy that held onto his girlfriend.

" You won't ask me about what happened?" he asks staring at her carefully.

Areum never intervened, she was too immersed in her videos of fetus EXO members to care enough about what had happened around he council room. It was habit she got after seeing that the council practically saw her as inferior.

" No,"

" Not even worried about your Sunbae's bruise."

Aruem stopped typing to look at Yoongi.

" Was that you in that video? " Aruem asked quietly. Yoongi took a moment before nodding his head.

" That's it? That's all you wanted to know? " Yoongi asks, still offended.

Aruem shot him a glare and pulled her head up before letting a sigh.

" Okay Yoongi Sunbae. Since you want to tell me so badly. Why did you fight with Jungkook?" she asks and Yoongi's eyes widen a fraction at the outburst.

" I was angry, "

Aruem wanted to launch yoongi into a rocket ship and send him far away as she heard his response. Yoongi touches the bruise that had formed on his lip before recalling the events of yesterday.

" I had this girlfriend back in junior high and there was this annoying girl that kept throwing herself at me," he frowned.

That was..Kim Haeun?

Aruem rolled her eyes. She was not planning to here some sappy love life..especially of Min Yoongi.

" I just embarrassed her a bit. She's just a wannabe popular girl who wants every guy to worship her and I'm not letting Jungkook be ruined by a-"

" Glad to know what you like doing on your free time." Aruem hisses, pulling her head up.

" Free time? Why are you defending a girl like her? Mirae didn't do a thing to her and so you see the way she acts? Jungkook's not a toy Aruem." Yoongi stands anger practically surging. This was the first time he'd ever raised his voice at her.

" Maybe.." Aruem mutters, clenching her teeth. She had never had the courage to speak up before and it was about time she did.

" Maybe you should stop letting that ego of yours get to your head Sunbae. Is this how you look at people? If girls want to be a little brave you see them as attention seekers.
If a girl breaks up with you, she's narrow minded? "

" And if a girl is too shy, she needs a guy like you to be by her side? " Aruem shoot a glare. Yoongi's lips part, expression grim.

" Do you know how it feels to be looked down on all your life? No, you don't. because you were always the popular kid."

Yoongi's eyes darkens.

" Do you really know anything about me-"

" Do I know anything about you? Do you know a thing about Kim Haeun? Stop acting like you're in junior high you jerk." Aruem stood up, slamming her computer shut.

" Wow. So you hate me too, right? " Yoongi laughed darkly, watching the girl stop by the door before turning around.

" When did I say I ever liked you..Sunbae? "



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- EVILLL...but a cutie nonetheless

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