F I F T Y 3

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Its gonna be a little LENGTHY

My final song recommendation for
this book lolol:")
Play the song when you see " ^^ ".

6 Years Later




Haeun watched as her leaky faucet let drops of tap water escape into the sink. The day was warm and it was a quiet Saturday. Haeun was off from her work and sighed at the thought before rolling into her bed.

The thin white curtains glowed a warm from the sun's rays and Haeun couldn't help but yawn into her pillow.

She feels a soft vibration and looks up to see her phone. The message blink on Haeun's home screen and she stared at it for a while.

Haeun looked away from her phone and ran a hand through her dark hazel hair. It grew longer and loved to curl at the tips.

Miyeon: Did you know that our class from Cheongshim High school is having a reunion? I reserved the spot and got the message out. You should definitely come

" High school reunion huh? " she mumbled to herself, staring out the window of her apartment.

" Why not? "


A few of the males give her a gaping gaze, once Haeun steps into the colossus area.

Her peach dress, adorned with white lace hung tightly against her shoulders, exposed collarbones, ruffles folded pretty down her legs. Her hazel hair was placed in a neat bun although the stubborn baby hairs messily framed her almond-shaped face.

She blinked a few times, mouth parting at the sight of the large ballroom shaped area. Golden streamers hung from the wall and an elegant poster that read the Welcome class of 2019 in a cursive.

She spotted the assortment of food stretching across a massive table, almost felt a tear falling across her face.

Her time had come.

The lights overhead were dimmed, but bright enough for everyone to give off some sort of radiant glow.

Haeun spends the first few minutes walking around the brilliantly lit garden of a balcony separate from the ballroom. The plants hung above the glass-paned balcony, the chandeliers inside, casting glittering lights to display across the window. Roses cascaded across the room in a ribbon-like fashion, welcoming a florid scent into the area.

Haeun let out a breath and began walking around, alongside the flowers, heels clicking neatly from her steps, making sure to smile graciously over to her past enemies.

Did you think I lost my charm?

They smiled back at her, but Haeun could feel their envy.

Did you think I would lose to you?

She was every guy's, first love.

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