F O U R T Y 1

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Haeun walked along the corridors the halls, the lingering scent of a pine cone left traces along the school, offering a simple but refreshing reminder that the winter season would soon come to a brief close. The sun peeked out from the small windows, shining rays of light against the floor.

Haeun took a deep breath and held her head high, letting the tight clasp of her ponytail sway as it always did. She greeted a few guys and smiled to a few girls who probably hated her guts.

The incidents that played back over on Saturday was not one of Haeun's most memorable moments. She had shown three people the side of herself that she never even understood herself. And it was three too many.

" Haeun." A voice calls from behind her. Haeun turned immediately to see Hansol, arms folded stiffly.

The students who were already heading to class soon disappeared into their classrooms, while a handful of students who had lunch were running to the cafeteria. Haeun turned back, continuing to walk, hoping she could ignore the backstabbing guy.

" Running away already? You shouldn't do that if you want to keep your reputation Kim Haeun." Haeun rolled her eyes at the statement.

" Please, I'm the one who made yours. And if I could make you what you are, then I can drag you down too." Haeun said, eyes narrowing.

" You sure about that? That video answered a lot of questions"

"I should thank whoever sent it out though, it really made me feel better about our breakup."

Haeun laughs, shoulders shaking in the process as she walks over to the Hansol.

" Hansol-ah, you're still hung up about us? What did you do the day when we broke up? Look, I don't care about what happened all those months ago and frankly, I don't want to." Haeun gave Hansol a smile and started to walk away, unable to see Hansol's fists shaking by his side.

Hansol grabbed Haeun's wrist and shoved her back to where she was before.

" Let's talk somewhere else."

" What do you think you're doing Hansol? " Haeun glared, prying her hand away. Hansol runs a hand through his hair and starts dragging Haeun away from the halls.

" Hansol I don't want to talk to you, can you let g-"

" Loitering in the halls, and harassment. " Jungkook states suddenly, causing Hansol to stop in his tracks.

" What did you say? " Hansol asks, watching Jungkook tap his pen on the arm that was clasping Haeun's wrist.

" I could care less about whatever issue you're having with each other, but I'll need to ask you to let go of her." Haeun scoffs, staring Jungkook who were simply watching Hansol.

" If you can care less, then quit sticking your face into my business. Come on Haeun." Hansol hissed. Jungkook let's out a laugh and grabs Hansol's shoulder.

" Let go, bro, you're only hurting yourself," Jungkook said, prying Haeun away from Hansol. Haeun watches in shock as Jungkook stands in front of her, guarding her from Hansol.

" So you made him into one of your minions too?" Hansol asks, rolling his eyes.

" Minion, Jungkook? " Haeun asks, taking her hand and wrapping into around Jungkook's arm.

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