T W E N T Y 7

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Jungkook stared out of the open window of the commitee room, watching students arrive while a few snuck behind the gates to enjoy a day of skipping classes. The air was frigid, leaving the tips of his ears red from the chilling breeze.

After settling back into his chair, he thinks for a moment about the incident that had more than swallowed his thoughts into reoccurring memories.


Haeun closed her eyes for the briefest of moments, letting the desk in front of her be a simple but hard pillow for her head. She was early as usual in the classroom, with the exceptional few. The book worms and the introverted geeks who had their sole life tied into the thin sheets of paper filled with words were reading quietly in their seats, not minding the world around them.

After closing her eyes a bit, Haeun hears the low but cheerful laughs coming from the hallways. It's Hansol and another of his handsome friends fooling around with a few girls.

Hansol seemed cheerful. Smiling the same way as he did last year. His hair was re-dyed a shade of silver-ish brown but the messy curls covering his eyes never left.

Then she looked over at the girls, pretty sure they were part of Hansol's main base of friends. They were pretty and all, rocking the trendy hairy styles from the hallyu magazines. But that wasn't what Haeun had envied.

It was their smiles. Their happy-go-lucky smiles. It was the way they clicked into their groups like puzzles. Haeun proceeds with a deep grumbling sort of sigh, closing her eyes once again. Darkness was better than seeing something you'll never have.


The bell had finally rang.

Haeun's eyes are greeted by Jeon Jungkook who had entered not too long after Mr.Fei. Jungkook looked over at Haeun and she gave him a wink before he turned away.

What was wrong with her?

Jungkook thought she was furious. Why was she still acting this way? He had almost expected Haeun to turn her head, like any other person for had been offended intensively.

After settling down Mirae walks in giving Jungkook a smile.

" Hey Kook-ah." She smiled, sitting down on her chair.

" Hey Mirae." Jungkook couldn't help but smile back.

" The halloween party last month was amazing. Good job President." Mirae nudged his shoulder.


He had forgotten about that Halloween incident.

" I'm sorry but I like Jungkook." Mirae had uttered those words. So confidently. Jungkook had known Mirae for a while and she had turned out to be one of the most important people in his life. It was her who made him confidant about himself. It was her who gave him a chance.

Jungkook could talk to Mirae as if he was drinking water. He could barely let a word out in front of other girl's ( with an exception of Kim Haeun) and he never had any awkward situations with Mirae-

" You know, you look really cute when you smile. " Haeun's words from a while back erased any existing thought of Mirae.

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