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" Why does it have to be her?! " she screamed, hands folded into fists.

" Haeun, get away from us. Did you honestly think I would date you?" He asked, the smirk slyly forming on his face. He was holding his
girlfriend tightly in his arms.

" Am I not good enough? " Haeun felt herself scream, vulnerable to the wicked eyes that seemed to bury her into darkness.

" You're average looking, who wants that? " the guy stated.

" Hey, oppa, let's go. My head's hurting from all this." The girl beside him said.

" Yeah, I'm wasting my time talking to her-"

Haeun woke from her so-called dream, her body jerking forward, eyes alert. The familiarly unfamiliar scent of alcohol doused her nostrils and Haeun could feel the surge of nausea and fatigue hit her again.

" Oh, you're up." A voice called out. Haeun opened her eyes and turned her head to see a lady wearing a doctor's coat, tapping on a clipboard with her pen. Her hair was tied neatly in a ponytail and a pair of black glasses was sitting on top of the head.

" Um..."

" Normally girls tend to have bearable symptoms for menstruation, but it looks like you're cold seemed to have overexerted your body. There are some painkillers on the table beside you if you want it," she said, reading through the writing on her clipboard.

" How did I get here?"

" So the young man from before wasn't your friend? He carried you back. You're lucky he was there when you fainted."

" Who carried me?? How? What? ''

" Tall kid. Said he was the vice president or something. Piggyback style. Not as cliche as the bridal style but still,very cute." She laughed. Haeun looked over at the nurse's name tag which had read Lee Jiuen written in bold letters. Haeun covered her face and rubbed it tiredly.

She fainted.

And more importantly, Jungkook carried her.

" Where is he now?" She asked as the lady pursed her lips.

" I think I saw him leaving with some other girl. Maybe his girlfriend." Haeun felt a vein pulse from her forehead. The nurse looked at Haeun's annoyed face.

"I'm kidding, only kidding.Jeez you don't have to get so feisty." She laughed. Haeun rubbed her head again.

" I called you're mother and she said you could walk back by yourself."

Haeun groaned and pulled her head back under the covers.

What a horrible day.


The next day was the final day before the break. With Christmas just around the corner, Haeun's class were festive. The classroom smelt of peppermint and was nicely decorated with candy canes and bright stars.

After stepping outside for lunch, Haeun finds herself in an isolated hallway. Apparently the whole school was holding a talent show and everyone was too busy enjoying their time participating in it.

Haeun didn't bother.

After taking a painkiller, Haeun decides to head back to the classroom, only to see Jungkook tapping away at his phone.

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