T H I R T Y 6

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" What did he say to you? " Jungkook asks, staring at Haeun who was watching him from afar.

"Jungkook, nice to see you too." Haeun states.

" Answer me."

Haeun scoffs.

" It seems like you told all your friends about me, haven't you? " she smiled bitterly.

" What are you talking about? "

" Don't worry about what Yoongi said." She said, walking closer to Jungkook.

" It wasn't too bad at least." She muttered, walking off only to be stopped by Jungkook.

" You do this all the time. Avoid the question and pretend that you never heard me. " Jungkook muttered, looking down at the girl in from of him. He noticed the baby hairs stuck against her forehead, watching her eyes meticulously try to come up with something to say.

" Jungkook-ah." She spoke, staring into his eyes. Jungkook held his breath,tempted to look away.

" What could Yoongi say that would make you run back here? You were worried that he would say something to me. Maybe you know the answer to your own question." She said.

" Yoongi hyung can be a little hostile to people he's not familiar with, I was just making sure-" Jungkook stops, laughing to himself.

" You know what? I was worrying about you Kim Haeun. You don't change the way others view you, even if they're wrong. How can I not worry if you keep acting like you're so tough? "

" I can deal with it. It's not rocket science, Vice President." She said, patting his shoulder.

" The bells going to ring, I'm heading to my class." She said, walking out of the library with a sullen expression painted across her face.


" Mom."

"Can you buy me a-"

" No."

" I didn't even say anything." Haeun groaned, already losing hope.

Haeun's mom rolled her eyes.

" With good reason. You'll get your hopes up if I let you finish."

" But mom, Jae gets things all the time." Haeun whined, pointing at her useless little brother who was eating a piece of toast.

" That's cause' I deserve it, Noona," Jae smirked, a small dimple forming on his right cheek.

" You deserve what? Wasting three hours staring on a computer-" Haeun stopped, realizing that her brother loving mother was standing with a spatula.

" Anyways mom. It's just this dress." she said, shoving her phone in her mother's face. Haeun pointed towards the violet colored

" 20000 Won? Are you crazy Haeun? You won't even use it until summer." She said, causing Haeun to whine again, nearly shedding tears of sadness.

" Mommmmmmmm."

" No."

" Ah, Noona can you be quiet? My ears are bleeding-"

" Okay, that's it you ungrateful little BRAT." Haeun ran over to Jae, slamming him into a painful headlock.

" Ch-oKiNg." Jae gasped, flailing his arms, while their mother ran over, hitting Haeun's head with her metal spatula.

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