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Haeun packed her stuff, ready to finally go home after the horrible encounter with Jungkook. He was a tough opponent to beat.

Haeun began to walk out of class making sure Jungkook was not anywhere near her. He was the first person to see her break like that.

After walking for a few moments, Haeun stops to hear a small meow.

" Oh? "

She shifts her head to the ground to see a beautiful kitten stretching softly on the pavement. It fur was blemished with toffee white and black splotches and Haeun couldn't help but gush, watching the adorable kitten close its eyes.

Bending down, Haeun spots a silver collar around the kitten's neck which had the name Yeo ( ) etched with small flowers surrounding it.

" You're such a pretty kitten." Haeun smiled, watching intently at the kitten. She slowly pulls her fingers closer to the kitten as it meows loudly, as if it was crying in fear.

" I won't hurt you Yeo, it's okay." Haeun cooed, watching Yeo stumble on her hind legs. Haeun let out a giggle and softly pet 's small head with just her forefinger.

" Your fur is so soft." She smiled to herself as Yeo leaned into Haeun's touch.

" Kim Haeun." A voice calls out, startling both Haeun and the kitten who had accidentally scratched Haeun's finger while sprinting away.

Haeun groaned, watching blood forming at the cut. She turned to see Jungkook who was watching her.

" What do you want? " she asked, standing up.

" Your hand's bleeding."

" Yeah I can see that. Anything else you want to tell me? " Haeun asked, holding her finger in attempts to hide the wound as well as stop the bleeding. Jungkook watched her and reached into his back pack, until he pulls out a bandaid and hands it to Haeun.

" You're not going to put in on me? " She joked before taking the bandaid and pealing off the excess.

" Why should I? " he asks.

Haeun scoffs and then looks at the symbol of bandaid to see an iron man cartoon.

" I'm guessing you're still not over your 5-year old phase." Haeun chuckles and watches Jungkook act all flustered.

" What's wrong with liking Iron man? " he asks, fully ready to protect his pride.

" It's cute. I like men who get all worked up over bandaids." Haeun winks.

" Good for you." He states, holding tightly onto the strap of his book bag.

" So were you following me? " Haeun asks, while successfully wrapping her finger with the bandaid.

" I had to tell you something."

" What? "

" About what I said before..don't wear lipstick to school."

" You re really something else Jeon Jungkook." Haeun mutters before walking away.



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