F I F T Y 2

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Graduation Day.

Haeun held her bouquet of flowers. A bunch of red roses that her mother decided to give her.

Jae plucked some dandelions off the school field, still bright yellow, and tried to offer it to Haeun, but their mother slapped his hand away.

She could hear the sounds of bustling students, eager parents, and loud shutter of cellphone cameras.

The sun was shining, and Haeun could feel the breeze of the air blow her graduation uniform, the navy blazer, laying aginst her, tightly securing her high school self.

Her high school memories.

It would be her last being a naive high school student.

Haeun's mom snapped her from the trance and stuck out her phone to Jae, urging for him to take a photo of Haeun and her.

Haeun rolled her eyes and looked to Jae, watching him bend his knees slightly. She didn't notice how tall he was growing.

Soon after, she spots Hyunbin, colliding with Jae, an arm wrapped around his shoulder while the two laugh.

Hyunbin turns to Haeun, and gives her the toothiest of grins, cheekbones high. Haeun gave him a smile.

" Noona, congratulations on your graduation. You look super pretty." He gushed, neck blooming a rosy shade of pink.

He's starting to look like his brother.

Haeun's mother ruffled Hyunbin's hair and waved over to his mother, giggling happily as the mothers hook hands and start walking together.

She turned to look over at the sound of squeals and looked to see Jungkook picking Mirae up in his arms before Mirae laughs happily.

The honeydew hair of his looked like golden silk in the sun, piercings across his ear, dazzling. His eyes did that crinkle, and he showed off a pearly white smile.

So childish.

So happy.

So guiltless.

Hoseok stood behind the two and slapped Jungkook's back. His lips were moving slowly, but Haeun couldn't tell what he was saying.

Jung Hoseok smiled once he finished and he and his group of friends dragged Jungkook and Mirae away.

They were probably going to have their silly little farewell party.

Eating, laughing, drinking.

Haeun could see Yoongi, dressed in a neat blazer, watching her with a smile on his face. He graduated a year before and was now attending his own friends' graduations.

A cold smile.

As if telling her, " Did you think you would win? "

" Did you think you could be with him?"

She felt a hand grab her and looked to see Miyeon, hair a blend of strawberry pink and vanilla blonde. She was holding a large set of bouquets and a small purse.

" Congrats Haeun! " She smiled. Haeun nodded her head and turned to Jungkook and Mirae once more. Miyeon pursed her lips as she noticed.

" I heard Jungkook and Mirae are dating-" Miyeon began, but Haeun started walking the opposite way.

Like it wasn't obvious.

After all efforts.

After all her tries.

She still wasn't able to win.

She never could.

And she never would.

She was the antagonist.

She was the Mean Girl.



Why didn't you look at me?

Why didn't you say goodbye?

Was this your own little game?

Was this your revenge?

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