T H I R T Y 9

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The karaoke room's lights were dimmed slightly, shifting from a rosy pink to a cerulean blue and all the colors in between.

Jungkook yawned, leaning back into the velvety plush cushioned seats, grabbing his phone to check for any signs of acknowledgement from the guys.

As far as he knew, Mirae was showered with happy birthdays within the group chat consisting of the guys and her, however no one was coming to the karaoke spot until 12 am.

With the fifty minutes left to spare, Jungkook had ending up decorating the living room sized karaoke booth for Mirae's birthday. A small chocolate cake was placed inside the fridge and the rest of the area was covered with colorful balloons. He had even prepared the music that Mirae loved, which included about every song from SHINee.

Being a vice president had paid off for an occasion such as this. Shrugging off the large denim jacket off his shoulders, Jungkook adjusts his beanie and fixes the strands of his newly dyed golden honey hair.

Mirae for the past year had been begging him to color his hair for her and Jungkook wanted to surprise her with the new look.

A few minutes laters Jungkook hears a little ring from his phone to see that Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon were on their way to the karaoke place.

Jungkook lips curls into a smile as he continues to watch the pretty lights fading in and out of the room.

" Hmmm..so the party is here huh? " a familiar voice calls by the door. Jungkook lifts his head up to see Haeun with a smile on her face.

Jungkook by instinct jumps up, nearly dropping his phone in the process.

" What are you doing here Kim Haeun? " He asks.

" Ofcourse for you, handsome."


Jumgkook began dragging her back towards the exit of the karoke room, the hold on her forearm seemed to be getting tighter by every tug.

" Why are you always where I am?" He asked, frowning coherently down at Haeun.

" What? I wanted to say happy birthd-" Jungkook slammed his arm on the wall behind Haeun, with a furious glint in his eyes.

" No one asked you to come here. We're having a private party so what makes you think that you can come here. "

" I can't ever understand what you want Haeun. You follow me around and you hurt Mirae. I just.."

" You what Jungkook? Just say it my face."

" You're too short for me to do that." He mutters.

" THEN STOP MAKING THIS HARDER FOR ME." Haeun exclaimed, hands clamped into fists. Jungkook stops abruptly, eyes widening as he sees Haeun's eyes go glossy once more.

" Why does this always happen to me? Huh, Jungkook? Do I need to be as average as Mirae to make sure you appreciate me? Or do you want me to just skip around and act nice to everyone I see?  " Haeun could feel the piled up rage in her chest, aching to be let out.

" Why you always have to make me the bad guy? " She chokes out,

Why did I always end up walking alone?

Jungkook feels the throbbing in his heart, and watches Haeun unsteadily trudge to the bathroom.

" Kim Haeun." Jungkook said, walking over to grab her arm. Haeun stops and turns her head.

" Please. Just leave this party. If not for Mirae, then for me." He said tightly. Haeun could only scoff.

" Oh really? "

" You're just like everyone else, Jeon Jungkook. It's people like you who try to mess up my life."

" What are you talking about? You're the one who ruins my life. Your stupid crush on me is what's making you go this far.." Jungkook's voice fades to a stop.

What was he saying? He liked her.

Haeun gives Jungkook a glare, pushing him off.

" Oh really? For the record, I could care less about if and Mirae are you going to date or not." She said.

" Good."

" Then I'll be going first." He said,walking back into the karaoke room, leaving Gaeun crouched on the floor, head tuck into her knees.

What was she doing?

Why was she hurting herself like this? Haeun could feel her pants getting damp for her tears. 

" Some people just don't know when to quit." Yoongi's voice mutters. Haeun picks her head up to see Yoongi leaning against the wall. Haeun quickly wipes her eyes and gets back up, plastering on a smile to Yoongi.

" Oh..Sunbae." She muttered. Yoongi leans his head on the wall, eyes squinting as if he was looking for something within Haeun that wasn't even there.

" What are you doing here? "

" Your friends outside told me you were also here for karaoke."

" Yeah..sort of."

Yoongi nods his head understandingly and walks iver to Haeun.

" Did I catch you at the wrong time? I mean I saw Jungkook walk in looking disappointed so I was curious."

Didn't you hear the news today? They said that there be a lot of fine dust in the air.
" Oh no it was nothing.

" I should probably go now. My friends are waiting." She says, desperately trying to escape from Yoongi and his icy aura.

" You have to be kidding me. You still don't get the hint yet?" Yoongi asked, causing Hauen to stop.

What was he talking about?

" What do you mean? "

" Should I just tell you? " Yoongi pondered, the sugar coated layer of his voice was starting fade. Yoongi pulls out his phone and swipes a few times before shoving it in front of Haeun's face.

It took a moment for the quick blur to sharpen up.

" What is.." Haeun's eyes widen as she stares at a picture of a familar middle schooler. His black hair was neatly cut and his pale skin almost shone.

Yoongi smiles once Haeun's mouth curves down to a frown.

" You can't be..." Haeun whispers out, her heart going erratic.

The guy who let everyone laugh at her.

The guy who held his girlfriend protectively all those years ago, while sneering insults to her.

The guy who acted as if Haeun was the monster.

" Min Yoongi." Haeun hisses, hands forming into tight fists.

" The one and only." He smirked back.



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- HORribLe tRasH
- you guys are too smart for me and my remaining two brain cells
- im pretty sure half of you knew who it was from the start lololol

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