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Haeun watched as her pencil rolled onto the glazed wooden floor of the classroom as it created a loud clatter against it. Her lips were gradient of red and cherry pink and for the most part she wore it to annoy Mr.Vice President.

It was extremely fun watching Jungkook's eyebrows furrow while he tried to maintain his cool aura. She hadn't had this much fun in a while.

Currently in math Haeun was using all her willpower to focus on the math lesson the teacher was teaching. In fact she had already learned the work ahead of time because she had either that or have the pleasure of taking care of Jae ( which was the last thing she would ever want to do ).

The teacher, Mr.Fei , had decided to inspect ever student as they worked and as he passed by Haeun, he smiled.

" Haeun, do you think you could do me a favor and help Jungkook over there? You seem you seem be doing well for this lesson."

Haeun wanted to cry. She hated tutoring people. Last time she ever tutored someone was Jae and she ended up nearly strangling him because he couldn't understand a problem.


" No, but mom knows how stupid you are. You're so stupid she probably sent you to kindergarten. Twice." Jae had muttered.

" Okay that's it. YOU'RE DEAD." Haeun retorted, grabbing a fist full of Jae's hair.


If Haeun couldn't tutor her own brother how was she going to tutor Jungkook?

" Um, sure." Haeun says, reluctantly dragging a chair to Jungkook who was sitting next to Mirae, laughing at a joke.

Jungkook turns to see Haeun who quickly sits beside him.

" Hey." She says with a smile, leaning into Jungkook's desk.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asks, leaning away from Haeun.

" Mr.Fei asked me to help you for math. I didn't know you were struggling Jungkook-ah."

Jungkook crinkled his nose at the way she said his name.

" I don't need help. Mirae's helping me." Jungkook said.

" But you can't just disregard Mr.Fei's wishes. You are the vice president aren't you? " she smiled endearingly.

" She's right Jungkook, she can help you better than I can." Mirae cowered. Haeun rolled her eyes mentally. Mirae was a professional at making people fall on their knees for her.

Jungkook stayed quiet.

" Fine, Help me with this." He said, pointing to question two. Haeun smirked. She would do much better than that.

" Oh that? It's easy." She said leaning her elbows so she was face to face with Jungkook. Mirae watched, as Haeun shamelessly gives Jungkook a flirty smirk before leaning in much closer than necessary next to him.

Haeun watched Jungkook back, but he nodded his head in understanding.

" Okay it's asking to find the y-intercept of
f(x) = x^2-x-6/x^2-1. " she states, trailing het finger past every word she read.

Haeun pursues her lips and read over the question before nodding her head. Jungkook watched her intently, looking at her lips for a few seconds before shaking his head quickly.

" Since we're looking for the y-intercept, the value of x will have to be zero, right? " Jungkook nodded. He had no idea what she was saying.

" That means you'll have to solve for f(0) in order to get the answer.How about you try it? I'll check afterwards."

Jungkook nodded his head once again and began to write with his pencil, scribbling a few times before handing back his notebook and watching Haeun's face crinkle in slight disapointment. It was his turn to smile at her demise as he stared at Haeun's honey eyes, skimming patiently across his work to see if she could compliement him on anything.

" Your.. handwriting is uh, nice." Haeun says, already wanting to give up on him. Haeun thought Jungkook was good at math, seeing how he was a vice president.

" Want to help me now? " he asks, with a smile.

I never wanted to help you, Haeun said im her head.

" You're doing this on purpose right? " she begins, poking her pencil onto his crisp uniform.

" Do you like me that much Jeon

" Um, how about I just teach him instead then? I think Jungkook can understand me a bit better." Mirae laughed nervously.

" It's okay, I feel like I should do it." Haeun smiled back.

Jungkook pushed the pencil pressed up against him and as the bell rings he gets up, leaving Mirae and Haeun with their mouth slightly open.

" He's so cutte, " Haeun said while watching Mirae's face twitch in what seemed to be anger.

" I'll see you around then Haeun." Mirae said finally after walking off to her next class. Haeun laughed,

- lol, coolmath.com helps so much :'))
- idek what people learn in the beginning of pre-calculus but oh well

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