T W E N T Y 6

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Haeun stared at the girl sitting beside her. She was pretty and wore cute clothes. She made friends with everyone around her.

Like a wave, the school seemed to be her ocean and Haeun could only scoff. She dreaded coming to school sometimes, watching the perfect Mirae walk along side her friends with a bright smile on her face.

Was Mirae that happy?

Haeun couldn't tell. As a freshman, no one knew of her and probably didn't want to either. Haeun turned away from conversations that she knew wouldn't last. She kept her voice from being heard the least amount of times.

She was just a road, without a path.

A book, without words.

A flower, that never bloomed.

By the last month of freshmen year Haeun had decided she would talk a little louder. Speak her mind, or try to at least.

Still, no one noticed her.


" Do you have a pencil? " A voice had asked on the last day of school. Haeun stared to her right, eyes enchanted with a smiley eyed guy who just a few moments ago had been talking to his friends. His uniform was crisp and his hair was dyed a light caramel color, curling wildly into his eyes.

" Why do you need it? " Haeun inquired, not so willing to give anyone her supplies. Who knows when they would return it.

" My friends are playing a game, and I don't have one." She knew this guy. Popular, laid back. Either way, Haeun reluctantly handed him her pencil ( it was the cheap one with a bad eraser ).

" Thanks." Hansol smiled, sending some sort of miscommunicated signal to her heart. He wouldn't remember to give that pencil back anyways.

He wouldn't even remember her.


Sophomore year had settled in as fast as Freshman year did. Haeun begged her mom for a few new clothes and even had her hair dyed a dark hazel. No one would notice her from before.

Haeun changed her voice. Yelling if she needed to, shouting if she wanted to. It was all nerve wracking at first, but what wasn't? Then, people started to look.

" Wow there was a girl like in my class? " Some would say.

" Here comes the eye candy." Others would murmur.

Soon enough, everyone seemed to know of Kim Haeun. She had started to date around, hardly even passing anniversary day #15. People clung onto her like a magnet. But she didn't play around. She wasn't a two timer. She just couldn't find anyone who was...the right one.


" Let's date," The same Hansol who stole her pencil declared. Haeun smiled. He didn't remember her. The two had stood dead center in the hall ways.

" Why? I don't know you."

" Trust me, I'm the one you were always looking for." Hansol winked.

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