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My hair is yank back forcefully causing a scream to erupt from my lips. I suddenly become alarm as fear kick in, wondering what I had done to deserve this as tears pool my vision.

I feel myself being pulled from the bed as my feet met the cold tile floor.

Before I could comprehend what was going on, I felt a fist collided with my right cheek. I could smell the Jack Daniels on his breath as he yelled in my face. I couldn't register what he was saying due to the fact my head was spinning.

Letting go of my hair, I fell to the floor as his foot collided in my ribs, cracking it.

Abruptly my hearing came back as he kept on shouting, " There is nothing or no one stopping me from fucking you tonight, you filthy whore".

With that his fist met my right cheek again, black spots clouds my vision.

'This cannot be happening, oh God please this cannot be happening', kept replaying in my mind as tears ran freely.

"Get away from me you bastard," I shouted at him.

Feeling my clothes being ripped off. I started kicking and screaming, "help," hoping someone would hear. His boot connected with my stomach knocking the air out of my lungs.

"Stop screaming you bitch, I am going to take my sweet time with you," he whispered in my ear.

"Please stop, I'll do anything please, " I said while crying frantically.

"Too late, your mine tonight"

Cool air hit my skin as he threw my blouse and pants aside leaving me in my bra and panties.

Crashing his lips to mine forcefully, while squeezing my breast with his hand. I shiver in disgust, I bit his lip with such force slitting it causing blood to pour out.

"You fucking whore, your dead" he hiss in pain, with that he back hand me.

I fell to the floor hitting my head against the desk edge hard, blood rush from my nostrils. I heard Ruffin sounds of a belt being pulled, turning my head I catch him discarding his pants and shirt. Seeing his arousal made me sick and disgusted, 'such a disgusting shit of a man'.

Turning away, I began crawling away from him. Everywhere on my body hurt as painful whimpers escape my lips. I felt him grab my ankle pulling me to him, I kick him with my other foot in attempt to get away, but he landed another kick to my stomach causing me to hiss in pain, as he pulled me towards him.

His hand found their way around my neck, blocking my air supply as he kept choking me.

'This is it, I am going to die ' black spots started to blind my sight as the monster continue to yell at me.

"Leave Zaria alone, " a small voice said from behind the door with the sound of small fist pounding at it.

My eyes go wide looking into the monster eyes as I pleaded with my own to leave her out of this, a evil glint flashes in his eyes as he started grinning. My God this is not good, not her, not now.

"I can't wait to fuck her too, I going to have so much fun," he said, grinning evilly.

"Not going to happen over my dead body, you useless piece of shit" I yelled back in his face.

"Oh yeah, who is going to stop me ? You'll soon be dead when I am done with your piece of ass" he said menacingly.

From my peripheral vision a scissor caught my eye. Finding new strength I push hard catching him of guard as he stumbled back. Taking my chances I leap towards the scissor thankfully grabbing it.

My hair is painfully pulled back causing me to stumble while crying out in pain.

"You good for nothing bitch, I am going to fuck you and your sister right before your eyes, then I am going to kill you both" he snarled.

Twisting me around to face him, I brought the scissor with all my strength into the side of his neck. Blood gust out spreading everywhere.

I stumbled back screaming.

Jolting awake, frantically scanning my surroundings. Signing in relief as I try to control my panting and regulate my breathing as my heart hammer away in my chest. Sweat bathe my forehead running down my face.

Having the same nightmare of one of the worst day of my life, every night for the past 3 years haunts me.

Signing, knowing full well I won't be able to sleep again. The digital clock the night stand says 4:38 am.
Deciding to start my day by heading out for a run, not before checking on Rose, my sister. She is my life, my entire world. I would do anything for her, anything to protect her, anything to make sure she is always happy and gets the best of everything.

This is my story about how I survive all odds to protect the one I love.


But little did I know,

Little did I know what truly lies ahead,

Little did I know the journey is far from over,

Little did I know it has just began,

Little did I know.

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