Chapter 41

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"Levi, you have to take Rose and go," She begged.

"I'll come back for you," I told her, "Just stay alive until I do"

"I promise" was the last thing she told me, before I left.

Leaving Ozaria behind was one of the toughest thing I had ever done. I can't believe I had agreed with her crazy reason. I knew she wanted her sister safe, she always did. And I couldn't say no to her pleading eyes as she begged me to take her sister away.

Jumping out of the window, I landed on my feet with a thud. My right ankle throbbed painfully from when I had been attacked earlier. Looking back on the unpainted warehouse I mark it what my scent, It seems to be deep in the woods, far my civilization.

I took off towards the thick forrest ahead, I ran like my life depended on it, well not my life but Ozaria's.

I ran through the pain in my leg, pushing myself, forcing my boby to it's limits. The wolf's bane tranqulizer I had been shot with earlier doesn't help one bit. All it does is slowed my healing abilities and making it hard to shift into my wolf.

The wolf's bane that lingered in my veins made it difficult to contact Marcus through the mind-link. Although he had been an ass to Zaria, I know he loves and cares deeply for her.

Thank the Moon Goddess for night vision, without it, it would have been hard running through the thick, dark forrest. The moon peaked out from behind the clouds as the wind blew silent. I heard crickets and owls whistling as I ran south.

I had checked a few times to see if we were being followed and I am thankful we weren't. Rose only stirred in my arms, she was still sleeping. I think she was drugged.

About four or five miles away from the warehouse we were held, what it would normally take me in ten mintues with my wolf turned into thirty-five minutes. As I continued to run I recognized the woods to be a neighboring pack as I had just crossed the borders. I heard the growling of wolves running to me.

As customs I stopped were I stood to avoid any misunderstandings. A minute later I was met with six wolves circling me. After a second the biggest one shifted into my good friend Alpha Peterson.

"Levi, I heard you were missing," He stated happy to see me.

"I need your help. I have been shot with wolf bane tranquilizer, so it's hard to communicate through the mind-link with Marcus," I rushed out. "Ozaria is in danger, she is my son's mate. I need to go back for her"

Alpha Peterson nods in understanding. "I will go with you along with my warriors here, how far is she?"

"About five miles north. Have someone take Rose and have her checked out, she could be drugged," I handed Rose to one of the men, who waited for his Alpha's nod for him to carry out my demand. He then took off to where the pack doctor must be.

"Maybe you should stay here Levi, until you have recovered. You are in a bad shape and you can't shift with the wolf's bane in your bloo...," I cutted him off before he could finish his sentence.

"No, I told her I would go back for her and over my dead body if I don't," I told him heatedly. "Plus, I had been running for awhile. So, the wolf's bane have been sweating out and it will soon be out off my system"

"Fine let's go," Alpha Peterson said as he shift in his wolf. I started off in the direction I had been running from.

Praying to the Moon Goddess to give me back my wolf and after a few mintues she granted my wish. I send a message through the mind-link to Marcus, telling him where we was and that he should hurry.

I pray Ozaria is okay and is holding on.

My wounds had healed in minutes in my wolf form, with all the wolf's bane gone. I still don't know who attacked me earlier today. One minute I had been running and the next I felt something tiny pierced my fresh, followed by a few more.

I fall to the ground as my world turned black. Waking up, I felt pain radiating from all over my body, but the must excruicating pain was coming from where my left eye was or should have been. Not one of my wounds were healing and I knew right away I had been shot with needles filled with wolf's bane.

And even more suprising I saw Rose curled up into a ball with her hand tied. She looked to be in deep sleep.


The ran back to the warehouse had been a lot shorter, then the run from it. Approaching it, I heard the wind carried a voice, "You are about to be death". And I knew it was Ozaria being threatened.

No one was in sight as we reached the building, but everyone was on their guard. I jumped in first through the window I had escaped from, the other follow me soon after.

The sight my right eye was greeted with caused rage I had not felt since Marians death to flood me whole. The blood sucker was feeding on Ozaria's neck, he didn't even sense we had entered the room, because he was so consumed sucking he life out of her.

I couldn't hear if she was still breathing or not, because of the fury I am about to unleash on that fucker. I speed to the demon with only one thought in mind 'Ripping This Fucker To Shreds'.

I jumped on him, separating them. The vampire didn't have time to react as the six out us ripped him apart. I was so blinded I with rage, that even when Alpha Perterson tear his head off and the other wolves ripped his limps apart. I digged into the demon's chest with my claws and teeth, tearing through it's rib cage. I ripped it disgusting, black heart from it's chest.

It stopped beating in my mouth, as I ran to where Ozaria's body was laid on the ground. Blood spilled from the fang puncture wound and all over her body. She was covered in so much blood, cuts and bruises, I had I hard time seeing her face.

I dropped the heart by her side to show her that we have defeated the vampire, we had won. Her eyes where open, but they weren't seeing. My wolf whined sadly as I shifted in my human form. I felt fear seeing her did way, unmoving.

"No.. no," I whispered.

My heart hammered away as I pulled her into my arms. I begged the Moon Goddess to let my ears be deaf, because of what I was hearing, which was absolutely nothing. No heart beat, no breathing, no nothing.

"I-I a-am so-sorry I-I didn't to y-you in t-time," I cried out as tears streamed from my right eye. I felt like I was living through Marian's death again. I hadn't cried since. I felt like I had failed again.

Pain erupted in my chest as I accepted the reality she was gone, Ozaria was gone.

"You have to go, the child is awaken and she is going berserk," I felt Alpha Peterson hand on my shoulder patting it sympathizing. I nod in response.

I had almost forgetten about Rose in my pain haze. She is the last piece of Ozaria I have left.

"I will keep protecting, caring and loving her like you would of wanted me to," I whispered my last vow to Ozaria in her ear. "I will give Rose the best of everything. I will make you proud, my friend. May you rest in peace"

I caress her bloody cheek, I don't know if I hadn't notice it before, but her cold dead lips were formed into a smile.

A smile I had met her with.

The same smile I would last be seeing her with.

A smile that said I have accepted my fate peacefully.

A smile that said, 'FUCK YOU'.

A smile that meant 'OZARIA'.

The end.


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