Chapter 5

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Rose had grown attached to Claire and James quickly. It could have been the warm, tenderness and gently love that radiated from them that drew us both in. They both radiate motherly and fatherly love, care and compassion.

Rose knows I love her dearly, I made it my mission to show and tell her every day but is it enough? My love for her is strong but it could never replace the love of a mother.

Maybe Rose being attached to Claire is not so bad, they could both provide that exact warmth and love of a parent she needs.

James and Claire classified us has the kids they never had but always needed. Claire eyes became tearful when Rose first called her Ma, she cried for about on hour. They are the only people I could trust to care for Rose, if some thing were to happen to me.

Picking up Rose, we went to over to Claires house. They had invited us over for dinner, always trying to find ways to have us around. We have been given a spare key and an open invitation to go over any time we wanted whether they are at home or not.

Me being Ozaria, I had completely refused their key and offer, not wanting to invade the privacy of their home. Well that was the lame but pointily explanation I had given, when they questioned why I had refused. They had persisted and I continued to reuse, they never wanted to push me, so they gave up but hinted about it whenever we talk.

Approaching the house I notice James is sitting on their two-story modern house pouch. James stand as I parked my car and got out. Opening the door for rose she rush pass me toward James, who scoop her up in his arm and throw her in the air. Rose squeal then giggled latching on to his neck.

"Are you going to just stand there all day?" James chuckled causing me to roll my eye at him.

James than enfold me and Rose in a hug than we went in to meet Claire.

Crossing the tread mill a warm embrace from Claire awaited, "How have you been my darling?", Claire inquired.

"Great Claire, and you?" I respond with a genuine smile.

Looking around their house the light blue walls that I have grown accustom to seeing, pictures of their youth captured in them and pictures of Rose and I decorated their wall. The old grandfather clock, wooden furniture, soft rag and vases with different flowers gave the room a cosy look and feel.

"Fine my dear come dinner will be ready soon," I nob and follow her. "Ozaria could you please set the table".

"Yes Claire," In the back ground I could hear James tickling Rose.

Smiling I gather the utensils and plates from the cupboard in the kitchen and set the table for four. Finishing up I pop my head in the kitchen to check on Claire.

"Do you need help?"

"No dear, I am almost done and there." She said, switching off the stove.

"So, still no boyfriend, you're far too pretty not to have any" Claire tease, "The cookie still in the jar".

Now that erupt laughter from my throat. "No time for that Claire, between Rose and work the time left is for me".

But between you and me I have never dated, maybe I don't even know how to date. Maybe I am too insecure about myself to even date.

She smiles shaking her head, "On second thought give me a hand dishing these out and put them on the table".

"My god Claire it smells amazing, bet it taste amazing too".

"Both your favourite popcorn chicken, sweet mash potatoes, baked macaronic and cheese and my famous gravy". She informs me proudly.

I narrowed my eyes at her playfully "Seriously Claire what are you trying to do fatten us for the slaughter?"

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