Chapter 39

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I felt as if I was under water drowning, then breaking the surface as I gasped loudly, filling my burning lungs with oxygen. I felt something ripped away from my face as I went in a coughing fit. I faintly heard footsteps walking away from me, mixed with the sound of water dripping.

Shaking the water from my face, the sudden movement caused me to hiss in pain as the back of my head throbbed. I pant as my senses came back in full effect.

Lifting my head, I couldn't see pass my nose. Hearing the rustling of metal, I snapped my gaze to where the sound could possible be coming from. I couldn't hear anything else apart from it, abruptly the sound stopped.

Nothing could be heard apart from the pounding of my heart and water dripping. I tired to move but couldn't, something was preventing me from doing so. Time passed agonizing slow, time left alone in this darkness with thoughts weighing down on me.

Thoughts of where Rose could be? If she have okay? If Levi was alive? Who could be doing this? Where was I? If Marcus even knows we were kidnapped? Would he even come looking for me and be my hero?

I just pray to God Rose is alright and well.

Footsteps pulled me from my thoughts, then the sound of a switch flicking. Abruptly, bright light illuminate the space making me squeeze my eyes shut tightly. Hearing the footsteps coming closer, opening my eyes I squirmed them as they adjusted to the bright light.

The first thing that came into view was a pair of black boots. As my gaze traveled up, I could see the outline of a female body, wearing tight fitted black wear.

A deep gasp left my throat when my eye met the face of the person before me.

"About time sunshine," The she-bitch said grinning wickedly. "I was hoping to drown you some more," Her smile turned into a frown as a disappointed expression falls on her face.

"As the cat gotten your tongue now, you won't so quite earlier," She mocks. I glared at her with every onuce of hatred I had in me. She just smiled, "I am so happy, I am going to witness your death"

'Witness my death?' That just simply says someone else is behind all this too. Baiting her, I hope she confesses who she is working with. "Why are you doing this?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Hatred floods her eyes as she now glares back at me. "I am doing this because I want him, I want what's mine"

"You can have him, you bitch. He is all yours," I glance around the room, the wall were painted cream. There was only one door, no windows, concrete floor and it reeks of urine. I spot a table at the right corner of the room, that had metals on it. I couldn't tell what they were from where I was sitting. There also was a crow bar lying on the ground two meters from me.

"I know he will be, once you are out of the picture," She said.

"Just take him and let me do," I tell her.

"No can do, I can't wait to see your face being teared off,"

"Do you seriously think Marcus would be happy to know you had something to do with my death, must less Levi's?" I asked her.

"Levi is not dead bitch, I had to come up with a way for Marcus to start hating you, which he does, so that's good," The bitch confessed. I thank God Levi is okay, that made me breathe in relief for a bit. "He'll be let go in one piece, well one piece expect for that eye."

"Marcus will come for me," I told her, even though I am not confident he would. He was acting like such on ass before I was kidnapped.

"He won't," Erica laughed. "He thinks you both ran off"

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