Chapter 26

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So, you know when your looking death in the eyes and you think 'This Is It' or 'This is not how I wanted to die' or your so-called life flash before your eyes or some crazy stuff like that.

Well that's far from what's going through my mind as I stare death in the eye.

From being abuse, to almost rape, from threatened, to having a blade at my throat, to almost losing Rose this is a far cry from how I thought I would die.

I had vow to protect Rose always and I am not about to fail even though my head is spinning and there is a big wolf growling at us. The only thing separating us is the wind shield.

My heart thumps in my chest threatening to escape, imagine how Rose must be feeling.

Finding my voice, I turn facing Rose, "It's going to be okay" I told her trying to calm her down although I am not sure I believe that has well.

She looks so scared, it breaks my heart. I feel strength returning to my limbs as they lacked locomotion a while ago from being numb.

Feeling at the bottom of my seat where I store the knife I took from dick-head bob, a small relieve swept over my chest when my fingers grasp the handle. I am not going down with out a fight. If it wasn't for Levi I would be more scared shitless right now.

I cut my seat beat and turn to Rose doing the same, "I won't let anything hurt you baby" my voice quiver as I try to assure her she would be ok.

"I a-am Sc-scared Z-Zaria" she cried. Then scream when another growl erupts from the rouge-looking wolf chest. The wolf's front paws hit the wind shield hard jerking the car causing Rose to jump and scream even louder as it tried to break through.

"It's ok" I quickly kiss her cheek and whisper I love you to her as I tuck her between the seat at the floor of the car.

"Rose look at me" I caress her cheek drawing her eyes to mine, "Don't come out no matter what you hear, close your eyes and cover your ears. Ok baby" I told her urgently trying not to choke on the limp forming in my chest.

She nods shakily while tears flow down her cheek. Tears fill my eyes, but I blink them away. I need to be strong not for myself to for Rose.

"I love you and I won't let anything hurt you" I promised. Hoping I don't break it. I cover her head with a blanket praying to God if I die they will leave her alone.

Just as I turn back to the monster in front of me the wind shield gave way and scattered glass everywhere, some got stuck in the fresh of my arm and face. I feel numb to the cuts of glass as I focus on the beast that pull its head back to dive back in for the kill.

Letting out a scream of war I raised the knife ready for the incoming attack. The monster growl before expanding it jaw, razor sharp canines with saliva dripping from them zeroing for the attack. Staring into the monster's eye facing death dead on. I show no apprehension or fear although inside I am frightened, scared even.

My heart beat could be felt in my ears pumping. My breath coming out harsh in anticipation as I wait for the moment to attack.

Just as the wolf was about dive its head in, out of no where a bigger brown coated wolf launch at him knocking off my car. The car shakes as they tumbled off rolling in the dirt, snarling and biting at each other.

Before I could turn to looks at what's happening another wolf with red eyes replace the first where it was on my car. Without hesitation the wolf launch at my face giving me seconds to turn it away. Unbearable pain radiated from my left shoulder where the wolf latch onto, causing me to scream out in pain.

Using my right hand, I gather all the strength I could muster and stab the wolf in the neck. Blood gush out of the wound. It released my shoulder and whimper in pain. Remembering what Levi said about how a wolf is not killed easy.

I pulled the knife out and stab it under the mouth and watch the long knife go in under the chin through the mouth until it stuck on at upper bone. I use more strength to push the knife though and out the tops.

'Bet you can't recover from that one' I thought. The wolf blood mix with my own as it whimpered and spat blood on me then fell dead with its muzzle in my lap.

'fuck this feels like the movie UNDERWORLD'. I would have laugh at how similar my reality and that movie is if I would not in this predicament.

Another painful cry left my lips as I shift to look out around me. The two wolves could be heard battling it out but not been seen. I don't know whether I am crying in pain or relieve Rose is safe. I am losing too much blood to survive this.

Everything around me is spinning and all I can feel is pain. Black dots cloud my vision as I hear footsteps running towards me, but I tried to blink it away and keep my eyes open. Unable in being successful I breath "Rose" in a whisper as my world turns black.


Unknown POV

"Rose" she whispered before passing out.

I had never seen a human kill a full-grown werewolf, a rouge wolf at that. A human girl too. Rouge wolves are savage, violent and usually out of control. No guidance, no leadership and no sense of moral. So, to see a human girl kill one is astonishing. She is so strong and brave. I find it beautiful and hot. I feel proud of her and I don't even know her.

I rush to her side and pull the rouge wolf from windshield to the ground and open her car door. She is covered in both the wolfs blood and her own, her shoulder is bleeding where there is a big gush of fresh hanging out. Her heart beat is really low if it wasn't for my heighten earing I would think she was dead.

She is so beautiful, even with all that blood.

Grabbing the blanket from the back seat, I used it wrap her shoulder to stop the bleeding. I was so focus on the woman in front me I didn't hear the soft sobbing of the child on the floor of the back seat. Glancing over at the child, she had her eyes shut tight and her ears covered with her head down.

"Hey" I called she jump and scream. "It's okay. I am not going to hurt you" I told her softly trying to calm her down. "Rose is it?" I asked getting her attention.

She peeks through her tiny fingers and stare at me then ask sobbing, "W-where is Zaria? Is s-she okay?"

"Yes, I hope she will be. Come let's get you both to safety." I held my hand out to her, which she took hesitantly. Taking her out I ask her to cover her eyes. I didnt want her to see the gruesome bodies of the dead wolves and the blood mess either her sister or her mom was in.

I had mind-link some friends of mine to take care of the bodies. They just pulled up in a car. They nod acknowledging me, told them I would explain later. Taking the lady in my arms, I place her and the child in the car. Then off we went.

I just pray she survives. I would never forgive myself if she dies.

Knowing all of what happen is because of me.

This is all my fault.


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