Chapter 37

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Does life throw everyone this much drama and pain, or is it just the few who are special enough to get toss around in a sea full of sorrow and pain. Drowning, no one to save you from it all. One one to save you, but yourself.

Being strong and brave is hard. But finding the strenght to fight through, is harder.

The first thing I felt before I opened my eyes was a hole in my chest and the feeling of lost. Cracking my eyes open, I notice I was back in my room between the covers of my bed. Looking out the window I realized it was pass dark and the small clock my night stand reads, 9:36 pm. I must have fainted earlier after receiving the dreadful news.

Soft snores caused me to snap my head to the source. Rose was curcled up into a ball beside me. She looks so peaceful. I don't know if I'll be able to break the news to her yet, or if I even can. I don't want her to be devastated and feel the same lost I do.

Who could have done this cruel act? Who could of taken the life of two innocent people, who decided to help me and Rose out of the goodness of their heart?

I vow to get my revenge and those who took away these people who were important to me. I vow to make them pay, I vow to make them wish they had never been born. I vow to show no mercy, when they beg for their life.

With my new vow in mind, determination filled me as my face turns cold.

I find Marcus and Levi again in the office with some of the warriors of the pack talking. Upon my arrival they dismissed the meeting and asked them to leave. As the door closed behind them, I fired my first question at the two reminding man before me.

"Who did this?" I voice comes out strong, no emtions leaking. "Who killed them?"

Marcus was the first to speak, "Are you ok? You fainted yesterday," His voice filled with concern.

"I am fine," My voice still the same. "Who killed them?" I asked again a bit more forceful.

"We don't know who did it," Leviticus answered. "But we know what did it."

'What did it?' Are there more creatures I hadn't know about? That thought left my mind wheeleding. "And that is....," I pressed.

"Vampires," Marcus told me.

"Vampires," I repeated to make sure if I had heard right.

"Yes, our source who went over the rest of their bodies, suspects it to be a vampire killing and the bite marks on their bodies confirmed it"

"I didn't know they were real," I breathe to myself, but Levi heard me and said, "In this world anything can be real. We hadn't seen or heard of Vampires for about a thousand year"

Marcus looks at me as if studying me, then asks as if thinking out loud, "What could a mere human like you do to set them off?"

I should have felt hurt when he called me a mere human, but didn't. I have bigger things to think about.

"Nothing, I know absolutely nothing about vampires and that they even existed," I told him.

"I am not sure if it's one or more, but it seems they are out to get you," My asshole becoming of a mate said. "I can't have my pack in danger. I can't risk the life of my people simply because trouble seems to follow you everywhere"

"You know your becoming an asshole," I glared at him.

"What? for speaking the truth?" He asked raising his voice. It only made me glare harder. "My pack will now be in danger because of you"

"HEY!" Levi yelled, "Marcus cut it out. How can you talk to her like that? I raised you better"

"Raised me?" Marcus asked chuckling angrily, while glaring at Levi. "You mean when you ran off after mom died, when I needed you. You lefted me to clean up your mess because you couldn't save her"

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