Chapter 10

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Looking over my shoulder is exhausting.

I had changed our last name every new town we went to and this time was no different. I had also dyed my natural dark brown hair into black although the colours were almost the same.

It's frustrating having to find a decent paying job when no one wants to hire someone who moves around a lot. It's even more frustrating to find a reasonable but decent apartment to live in.

Moving around is expensive.

And don't forget the rule we both have about not having anyone close. Whether friend or otherwise it makes it easier to leave when we don't have anyone to say goodbye to or to explain why we would just pack up and flee.

But that rule went out the window when we met Claire and James and gotten attached to them as they did to us.

As I have said before looking over my shoulder is exhausting.

Days had pass and I had not seen or heard from dick head Bob. At first a had made Rose sleep over at Claires house thinking he would just pop out at any time to make good at his promise at get back at me.

I mean I can handle myself and protect Rose if anything, but what if he came back with some of his friend. I will not take any chance with Rose safety.

The police had taken my statement on the incident and the statement of the witnesses. Even the description of dick head Bob, saying they would look out for him and if I had seen him again or if he tried to harass me I should phone the police right away.

Miss Davis was informed of the incident and had question me about it, she had been concerned about my safety. She also told me that if anything like that were to happen again I should not get involved but call the cops instead.

I am always on high alert and my guard. I know dick head Bob his out there watching and waiting.

I feel it deep in my gut and my instincts are never wrong, but I will be ready and waiting.


"Zaria, can we get ice cream on our way back from my school", Rose ask with puppy eyes.

Glancing at her from the kitchen counter where I am currently making our breakfast of oatmeal, eggs and French toast.

She is sitting at the table in her cute demi jumper and pink blouse with her favourite pigtail hair styles. She looks so much like our mom. God bless her soul, I miss her so much.

Rose tilt her head to the side, widening her eye more pleading with her eyes for me to give in. How can I resist when she is giving me those eyes.

"Ok, just this once and no more for this week. You had ice cream yesterday and that too much sugar", I tell her firmly while she nods agreeing.

"Yes, Z thanks. You're the best sister in the world", she says cheekily.

"Of course, I am", I cockily respond as I place her plate in front of her and kiss her temple. "Eat up baby girl you need to reach school soon"

"Thanks", she mumbles and began eating, placing down my own plate we ate together. She then went on to tell me about her best friend Talia.

Rose went quiet and had her head down, when she does this I know she has something on her mind that she wants to get off.

"Princess tell me whats on your mind", I ask gently. Rose looks up at me sadly.

"Zaria, Talia ask me to a sleep over at her house can I go please?" shes giving me those puppy dog eyes again.

"You know you are precious to me and I love you but the only people I trust with you is James and Claire. I only want your safety and we still don't know them well enough baby girl", I reasoned.

"But Z, I have known Talia for some time now and her parents seem nice", Rose says looking sadly. I hate when she is sad, trying to cheer her up I tell her.

"You can have sleep overs at her house when we get to know them better", I continued in cheerful and excited voice "we can get double scoop of your favourite ice cream later".

The sad look in her eye immediately disappear and replaced by a beaming smile.

"Okay", she chips claping her small hand happily. Ice cream always cheer her up.

Finishing breakfast, we left the small apartment to my beat-up corolla car buckling Rose in. I pull the car out of the driveway towards her school. We listen to California Girl play on the radio as we sing along.

Reaching the Shortwood Primary School I followed Rose to her class and spoke with her grade 1 teacher to check in on how everything was going.

I stoop down pulling Rose in a quick hug.

"Remember listen to your teacher and", "don't talk to strangers I got it Zaria" she interrupt me finishing my sentence in a flat tone .

"Good girl", I cooed her, "and I love you", "always" she finishes my sentence again and kiss my cheek, "See you later Z" with that she when back to her friend Talia side and began chatting.

Turning away I went to the gym for my work out/ training before going into work at 11am. Checking my watch its now 8:15 am prefect for an hour and a half training. The gym is my place of refuge to work though my thoughts and fight the demons that still haunt my dreams.

Arriving at the old gym I park my car across the street. I grab my gym bag and about to cross the road when I hear someone says, "HEY! YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT", in a hard tone, a voice I recognize all too well and he is not alone.

A voice that belong to the person I knew would come one day.

And it seems that said one day is TODAY.


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