Chapter 9

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I am fuming, hot red angry runs down deep though my core.

The lady is crying and begging fucking dick head Bob to let her go. From where I am standing I could see the lady's upper arm is turning a dark shade of purple, from the pressure he was squeezing.

The lady kept on crying while pleading with him to stop because the baby could get hurt. I didn't notice before but now I do, she had a small round tummy implying she is indeed pregnant.

That just made my hatred for dick head Bob flared along with my angry. Everyone just stared and not one person decided to help the pregnant lady.

Dick head Bob started to yell at her disturbing the other customers. They were too busy to notice me approaching their table.

Reaching their table, I grab dick heads arm to get his attention while saying though clenching teeth "Let her go and stop disturbing the other customers".

Snapping his head to me he looks me in the eye menacingly trying to intimidate me. Staring back at him in the eye I hope mine are saying 'Yes fucker you can't scare me'.

"I. SAID. LET. HER. GO." Narrowing my eyes at him.

"Mind your business you bitch and get the fuck off me" he snarled jerking his arm from my hold.

"You are disturbing the other customers, and someone as already phone the cops" I tell him in a firm voice.

He standing to his feet, he's about a foot or so taller than me trying to intimidate me further with his height. I stood my ground showing him I am not afraid of him.

"You little bitch, you ought to be taught a lesson in minding your own damn business," he barks rising his hand to slap me.

I duck out of the way just in time and brought my fist hard to his nose cracking it as the sound of bone cracking rang out. He fall backward on the table and put his hand to his nose hissing in pain as blood could be seen rushing out.

"You are going to pay for that you bitch," he threatens as he is about to launch himself at me. The blazing siren of the police car could be heard before we see it a second later coming to a halt at the front of the restaurant.

"This is not over you bitch, you'll pay. I'll make sure of it," he hisses then slipped into the back and out the back door lost in public.

'fuck! Fuck! What have I gotten myself into?' Its not only about me but about Rose safety has well and now I have put Rose in harms way.

Running from trouble and I get myself into trouble.

That threat must not be taken lightly. From the evil look in his eye, he made a promise when he threatened me.

And I knew deep down he is serious.

I knew he meant no joke.

I knew he meant it.


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