Chapter 4

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Examining my reflection, the white uniform blouse fit a bit loosely but extremely comfortable, the same could be said for my blue shirt had I receive upon arriving to work this morning. Not revealing much my curves just how I like it, hopeful it will help keep off all the unwanted male attention.

Doing one final once over before stepping out of the female changing room. Plastering a big smile, I head back to the front where Catherine stood.

Miss Davis had introduced me to her earlier informing me Catherine would be guiding me until I grow accustom to my new work environment.

Catherine Palmer is a true natural beauty, with her big ole brown chocolate eyes, soft cheek bone, pixie cut brown hair, olive skin and petite structure. She looks to be about my age 24 maybe a little older with a sweet personality.

"Catherine", upon hearing my voice she turns to face me smiling sweetly.

"There you are, thought for a second something had happened to you. The uniform suits you well", she complemented.

"Thanks", I murmured.

"Ok, so let me give you a quick run down of everything. If you didnt get something just ask", she tells me beckoning me to follow her.

We spent the next hour going over the menus which are used on different days, where everything was kept, the opening and closing hours etc, doing my best to retain every bit of information, when she said she was going to be quick she meant no joke.

We went over my job description and all that was expected of me.

The rest of the morning I work alongside Catherine tending to customers. The other staffs I met were kind and ever helpful except for one or two girls who were rude and down right bitchy. Fuck me lipstick Jessica and them are friends. I wonder why?

Lunch came and went. I got to know Catherine, like she was on only child, both parents still alive, my guess had been right she is 24 years old. Shes works at Panjamay for 4yrs and she has a boyfriend by the name of Wayne, they are considering getting married soon.

When it came to me sharing I told her about Rose and gave vague answers regarding my parents and where I was from.

I had soon successfully completed my first shift, says bye to Catherine I left with a goodie bag in hand. I am not as tired as I thought I would be.

Turning the corner before reaching the car park I saw a man that seem to be homeless not too far away covered in dirt, ragged and torn clothes, sitting on the pavement with his back to the wall and had a card board sign 'GIVE A DOLLAR' beside him.

Going up to him my shadow fell over him. "Here", I said placing the goodie bag of chicken, rice, mash and orange juice in his lap with a ten dollar note. Lifting him head a surprised look covered his face as he parts his dry croaked lips to say, "Thank you".

"Your welcome", I smile turning on my heels towards my car. Sliding in I ignite the engine, feeling as if I am being watch my eyes snap to the rear view mirror the homeless man was gazing in my direction. Shrugging it off I pulled out of the car park to Rose school.

My mom used to say, 'do good and good will follow you', words of a wise woman. I try to do good as much as possible even if it's as simple as giving a dollar, maybe two. Or helping someone in need if I can, who knows when I will need the favour returned.

Thinking of my mother again brought back good and bad memories. I am just glad I still have many great memories captured in photographs, so Rose could see how loving our family was.

I often wonder about my dad's family. If they are still out there alive and well, I never got to met them and he never spoke about them. If he did, he would say, when I left my home town, I chose never to look back.

My aunt Marie was my moms only living relative.

The closest person both Rose and I have to family are James and his wife Claire. I first met him and Claire the day I arrive in this small town, in a diner in the middle of town.

They were sitting behind us and over heard me asking the waitress direction to the street of my apartment, that the waitress wasn't even sure of. They had insisted on giving me the directions. Claire had told me they lived close by.

From there a relationship had form between us, they are both fell in love with Rose and have been a part of our life since. They are like parent to us. They had not been able to conceive because Claire had been sickly, and the risks were too high on both the mother and child surviving.

Although they are a part of our lives, I never told them what really happened only that our parents were dead and it's just the two of us. I sense they knew something else had happened to us but never question which I am grateful for.

But if they did, could I trust them to tell them my secret about committing murder. Maybe it's not about trust, maybe I am just a coward to share that secret with anyone.

Would I even be willing to take the risk?

Risk of sharing something so incriminating.


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