Chapter 35

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A small horrified gasp, then followed by, "Why are you eating Zaria's face?"

I pushed Marcus away so fast, being caught off guard he didn't have anytime to stable himself as he fell to the floor looking shocked. He hadn't realized Rose was at the door looking in and he's the one with the heighten senses.

My heart is beating so wildly out of rhythm as I tried to catch my breath. I won't even mention how red my face is and how I was dying of embarassment.

When you hear someone say they 'which the floor could open up and swallow them', you don't know what they meant, until you are in an embarassing situation. Then levels of embarassment I felt is off the charts and when I think it couldn't get any worst.

"UNCLE LEVI come quick, Marcus was eating Zaria's face," Rose yells out frightened as she ran to find Leviticus. Soon after he peaked his head in smirking.

"What's this I hear about Zaria's face being eaten off?" Levi asked, his tone playful. He wriggles his eyebrow at me, which caused me to blush harder. Levi burst out laughing at my clear embarassment causing me to shield my face in the safety of my palms.

Marcus, who was still on the floor got to his feet, carefully hiding his boner. He groans and asked his dad to stop, which only caused Levi to laugh harder and my face to grow redder.

Levi saw what Marcus what trying to do secretly, but fail as he said while still laughing his ass off, "Sorry my son maybe next time you such try a thing called 'locking the door' and you won't be left with agonizing blue balls"

"Marcus, where are the blue balls?" A small voice that belongs to Rose asked as she peaked out from behind Levi's legs. She looks around, probably looks for that said 'blue balls'.

"I.. what... there's.... no...I," Marcus stumbled over his words trying to form an answer as his cheeks becomes red too. He looks over at me pleadingly, but I shrug my shoulder not knowing what to say either.

"It seems the blue balls are not here anymore, Rose. Let's go find them," Levi says taking Rose hand leading her away, he then calls out, "And Marcus try to do something with your blue balls before they turn purple balls"

"Does Marcus have purple balls too?" Rose asked Leviticus excitedly as they walked away.

I almost didn't hear Levi's reply to Rose innocent question as their voices fades away, "He will soon, if he doesn't get rid of his blue balls first"

Then I hear the last of Rose voice asked, "Can I have Marcus's blue balls please"

Then the last of Levi's voice answering, "Trust me sweetheart, you don't want those...." I heard him pause before he finishes in laughter, "Those type of blue balls that will soon be purple balls"

Turning to face Marcus, his entire face was red. He lifts his head to look at me and when our eyes met he quickly looked away. Well, I am happy I am not the only one feeling shy and embarassed about what just happened.

" going..." He says awkwardly, going to the direction of the door, then finishes, "For that run now. I'll soon be back"

I nod in response not trusting my voice and out the door he went. I burry my face once again in my palm as the thoughts of all that could have happen, if Rose had not interrupted us. Surfaces in my mind causing my already red face to become redder, if that was possible.


A few weeks had pass since then, Marcus and I had gotten closer and maybe grown more in love too. We still haven't done the act of no return yet, but maybe soon, who knows. The next day after the incident, I was walking pass Marcus office when I heard Rose and Marcus talking.

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