Chapter 21

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Before any words spill from my lips he went on, "you could get a good job or go back to school, housing. The pack and I could protect you. You could do what makes you happy, you deserve to be happy", he is so sincere as he tells me this. My hearts swell as tears spring to my eye. Apart from our parents, auntie Marie, James and Claire no one ever cared about us this much.

"I.... I don't.... I don't know what to say", I stuttered out honestly, my mind starts to run wild with the possibilities this could bring and the down falls too.

"you can think it about for has long as you need, just call me up when you decide. I only want the best for you both", he pats my shoulder and leave me with my thoughts.

To be free without having to worry or looking over my shoulder would be nice. I could go back to school that would be even better and having protection of werewolves for Rose and I would be great. Rose could have sleep overs and have all that she wants.

'But then what about Claire and James, the people both you and Rose are attach to!'

Shit I hadn't taught of that.

This decision is going to be harder then I taught. Claire and James are like parents, James isn't so bad, but it would break Claire to not have us around.

'And dont forget the promise you made to Rose.'

I will really need to think this through but not right now, maybe tomorrow or some other day but not right now. My head is still reeling from information overload yesterday.


I was never one to like saying good bye especially to the people I loved. Saying good bye to my parents, the friend I had before I moved to live with aunt Marie and auntie Marie too had been hard and now I and saying good bye to Leviticus someone I had come to befriend through odd circumstances.

Standing on the train platform, Levi had brought is ticket a while ago, now we await the train to come. Standing side by side we know saying fare well is inevitable but we both choose not to say it.

Lost in thought I wonder what would of happen if I had not given him the goodie bag that day? if I had not met him at all? Would someone else try to save Rose that day? Would I have ever suspect creatures of the moon living amongst us?

The horn of the incoming train snaps us both to present as it threatens to cut our time short to say good bye.

"I " "So" we both start then Levi gestures for me to go first, "although we had know each other for a short time I am happy to have a friend in you and I hope you find peace, I know Marian would have wanted you to be happy and with you family."

"thank you for your kindness and understanding me and my kind." He embraces me, "think about what I said and contract me with what you choose"

"I will and dont be a stranger now", stepping from his embrace as he graces me with mischievous smiles.

"I would never dare, cross my heart and hope to die", he replied jokingly crossing his heart causing me to chuckle. "Stay strong Ozaria, you are stronger than you know", his tone serious willing me to believe his words as he stares in my light brown eyes.

"I will", my voice be a whisper as I let his words of encouragement soak in. I felt the words from one person who loss as much as I did steep deep through me to my heart. 'I am strong'

"Good bye Leviticus", my voice steady but in my heart, I know I will forever have a friend in him.

He laughs than says, "It's not good bye but see you soon. I have a feeling I would be seeing you again in a while."

He grabs his bag filled with stuff to keep him occupied for the eight hours long train ride.

"well, let me know when you reach and how everything works out."

"yeah and take care", he steps on to the train as the doors begin close. I watch the train leave then went on with my day, first to the gym to train with Titus and then to Claire later.

I never mentioned but Titus won the kick boxing completion and he is training to go further.


Eight hours later Clover Lake's train station

Leviticus stop out in the mass of people, he couldn't believe the once small town had grown so busy in his absence. Scanning he crowd for familiar faces but found none. He could not depend on his sense of sight to find them in this mass but the same could not be said for his sense of smell.

He could smell his pack from a mile away even in this great mass. So much as changed, looking on the men he was slowing approach proves him right so much as indeed changed. Levi slow his steps a bit hesitant although they had sound glad to hear from him and that he was returning home, he feared a little what their reaction would be in person.

If they gave him cold shoulder or otherwise he knew he had deserved it, he had just up and left four years ago without saying good bye, he told himself.

Their reaction he had not expect at all. His son first embraces him tightly then the others before he could get a word out. Leviticus hug them all as his emotions became overwhelming and his heart soar at being welcoming with opening arms after so much.

In that moment he sends a silent thank you to the Moon Goddess and Ozaria for helping him to see the light in his self-doubt and situation. Thinking of Ozaria he would need to call her soon.

"Welcome back. We all get why you abruptly left. You dont have to say anything. We are just happy to have you back", he told Levi. He then froze as the faint smell of vanilla and lavender tickles his nostril.

So sweet, alluring almost addictive.

Could it be after searching so long?

Snapping out of it the young man sniff Leviticus clothes, the faint aroma lingers on him indicating he may have been in contact with it a couple of hours ago.

"whose scent lingers on you? vanilla and lavender", the man frantically questions almost desperate.

"I am not sure I had been in contact with a lot of people, these train stations are like haves." Levi replied searching the young man's eyes for confirmation on the thought that popped up in his mind. "you think your mate scent lingers on me?"


"then you should begin your search right away and you should start in Shortwood a town eight hours to the west", Levi told him eager to help.

"why?" the young man questions.

"it's there you may find what you seek", Levi told him simply.

"then it there I shall head tomorrow", he said determined 'I'll soon find you my little kitten'

But what he doesn't know is that he may not found a little kitten but a tiger who is hungry to protect all that's close to her.


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