Chapter 34

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"I killed my cousin," His sharpe intake of breath suggests otherwise.

"W-what?" Marcus seems lost for words at what I just confessed. He stood and take a few steps from me, I am not sure why but his actions cause hurt to flow through me.

"I killed my...," I started repeating, but got interrupted. "I heard what you said, but I just can't understand why anyone would kill their family"

"I had to," I told him. "I had to..." He cut me off again saying, "You didn't have to. Here this pack is one big family, no one goes around killing the relatives"

He looks at me acusingly, which caused my blood to boil. He hasn't even heard why and he is already glaring at me.

"I killed him and I would do it again and again," I told he marching his glare, "That piece of shit deserved what he got"

"How can you look at me in the eye without any ounce of regret for what you did?" He asked me while shaking him head, then murmured, "I can't believe this"

He looks up at the ceiling as asking the Moon Goodess what had he done to deserve a mate for a murder. "You better believe this," I told him heatedly, "What can't stand having known that your mate is a murder?"

I felt so angry at the moment at his reaction. What was I expecting roses and chocolate after confessing to but a murder, for him to say he would love me anyway and we could get through anything to together? Well no, but a girl could hope.

Pulling me from my thoughts I heard him ask, "Why did you kill him anyway?"

"He threatened Rose and...." I can't seem to get the words off my tongue as the angry fades. I suddenly feel ashame for almost having my virture ripped away from me.

"He threatened Rose and...?" He probed me to continue, "Go on it can't be just that"

"H-he was g-going to r-rape me," I forced out in a whisper, my limps begin to tremble as the memories from the incident wash over me.

"W-what?" He stuttered as he turn to face me. I turned away from him, hanging my head low as my eyes moist with tears threatening to fall. The memories kept coming back in full force causing me to struggle keeping the tears at bay. I felt myself being scooped into warm arms as I was lifted, then placed on him lap.

"I am so sorry," He whispers to me, tightening his arms around me. "I wished I could killed him myself"

Hearing him say this, a humorless laugh escape my throat. The memories of that night cleared the longer he held me. I felt so secure in his embrace, so safe. Silence fell between us as I contemplated if I should tell him everything from my past.

It's now or never, so I told him about it all. He rocked my in his arms and whispered words of assurance. He had also cursed and sweared a lot, about what he would have done if he had my bastard of a cousin in his hands. Silence fell once more as we blask in each other's warmth.

"Is that what your night terror's are about?" He asked so softly I almost didn't hear.

"Yes," I answered, just as softly as he had spoken. "I have been dreaming of it for the past few years. Reliving it," I am once again drawn to the memories as they flash before my eyes.

"Hey, look at me," I felt his warm palm caressing my cheek pulling me from the memories that tried to drown me. I focus my attention at him, glazing into his chocolate eyes. I felt myself being pulled, drowning, being lost in the eyes that shows so much concern, love and admiration. I had to wonder if it was all for me.

"........I will always to here for you ," That all I heard from his speech, because I had been so lost in his eyes and warmth that caused my heart beat to increased. My eyes then focus on his lips as I read his confession, before hearing it, "And I love you"

My heart beat escalates even further as my heart warms from his words. I don't know what I am feeling, could it be love? Could the warm, fuzzy feeling that speading through me like a wild fire be love? Could it be love for the man before me who claims to be my mate, my soulmate?

I licked my lips as glazed at his, that are now in a breathtaking smile. I wanted to confess back to him the same words he told me just now. But I find myself holding back, maybe it's because I still wasn't sure if I had fully loved him yet. Maybe I already do, maybe not, I am not sure.

But how can I be sure if I have never been in love before.

Looking back into his eyes, my breath hitched at what now shined in these chocolate eyes. Lust and love, but lust overpowered love. Feral, untame lust.

Feelings I had never felt before steeps through the layers of my skin, Burning. Steeping pass the layers of my flesh, Scotching. Steeping in the layers of my heart, Scaring. Steeping down to my core, Filling.

He must have seen what I was feeling at he covered his lips with mine for the first in a passionate, yet gentle kiss. I poured everything I was feeling at that momemt into this kiss. His hands tightened around me as he pulls me closer. His lips tasted so sweet, as I nibbled on them causing him to groan and deepens the kiss.

I felt his member growing against me causing a gasp to leave my occupied lips. The kiss intensified as I ran my figures through his hair, tugging it. While his figures digged into my side. This kiss could not have been anymore deeper, anymore passionate or anymore heated.

At that point I felt like ripping his clothe apart and have my naught way with him. Without caring at all what happens next. He must have felt my need because he began to grind his lower half in to me. Causing my undies be become damp. I felt pleasure, so much pleasure from being dry-humped. Pleasures I have never felt before.

I became frustrated, because I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted, no needed something more and the fabric between us was preventing just that. I started ripping his shirt open, causing buttons to fly. Marcus chuckled in between our kiss at my new found aggression.

I felt like a caged animal on heat. I want him and nothing was going to stop me from taking what was mine. Well, nothing expected from what I heard next.

A small horrifed gasp, then followed, "Why are you eating Zaria's face?"


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