Chapter 8

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Several weeks had pass since the third most dreadful incidents that had occur in my existence. I had grown even more protective of Rose and I had seek out Levi to thank him and offered ways to repay him, but he had rejected my offers.

I had found my own way to repay him through giving him meals and such that he had not object to.

We had also gotten to knew each other more, I would not say we were pals, but associates. When James and Claire heard what had transpired they came to my apartment right away to see how we were doing and offered to assist us how ever we needed. They have been our rock through that time and we had grown even closer.

It had taken me some time before I could let Rose out off my sight and not become paranoid that she would get hurt.

Rose had gotten a bit frustrated with my overprotectiveness but understood why I was. She is very smart, and she knows how close we were to losing each other.

I had gotten a week off from work to spend with Rose and to get over my paranoia and insecurities. Catherine had offer moral support and we had grown and become friends.


Pulling into the parking lot at work, I check on Levi before I start working. Approaching him my shadow falls over him. He lifts his head from where he is sitting on the bench at the far corner of the lot in his ragged clothes and cardboard sign in hand.

I had offered him clothes and other necessities which he had also reused.

"Morning Levi, how are you today?" I ask. Handling him then bacon and turkey sandwich and orange juice I had made him before coming to work.

"Ozaria, how many times must I tell you, you don't need to. You don't need to feel the need to repay me," he said emphasizing feel as he shakes his head at me.

"Always a ball of rainbows and sunshine", I replied sarcastically rolling my eyes. "Of course, I know I don't need to, but I still feel like I own you for what you did," My voice soft hoping he would understand how I feel.

"Anyway, grumpy I asked, how are you?"

"I am fine girl child and thanks" Levi said shaking the bag with the sandwich and drink. "Have a good day at work and stop bringing me food. You don't need to feel the need to".

"Your welcome and have a great day yourself," I tell him ignoring is comment about stop bringing him food and walk off.

Although he insists I should stop bring him food, I know he appreciates it. He won't accept  money, so I bring him food when I come to work and leave work. I am not rich, but I need to repay him somehow.

Changing into my uniform and putting on my apron I walk to the front where Miss Davis is waiting for me.

"Ozaria, morning table 5 to 10 will be yours. I won't be here for a couple of hours. If there is anything report to Catherine until I return," Miss Davis told me.

"Morning Miss Davis and have a great today," I tell her as she takes her leave. I had seen and greeted Catherine earlier.

It seems everyone is in a good mood today, Jessica didn't glance at me or try to make any annoying jokes or any form of her antics.

I went to my assigned station; 2 tables were alright waiting on me. Going to the first table a man and a woman sat talking heatedly.

Clearing my throat to get both their attention. They snap their gaze to me. The lady looks to have been crying from her puffy eyes. The man looks angry from the vein at his temple looking ready to pop out.

"Morning I am Ozaria, welcome to the Panjamay restaurant, ready to order", I ask politely with my order pad in hand.

"Ready to fucking order? I have been waiting for 10 minutes" , the man resorts angrily in a loud harsh tone causing me to take a step back not prepared for such an outburst.

"I am sorry for making you wait so long sir," I apologize politely while mentally rolling my eye. I hate rude customers, well hate is a strong word so let me rephrase it 'I strongly dislike rude customers'.

"You should be, I should get you fired right now for being so incompetent" he says through gritting teeth glaring harshly at me.

"Don't Bob there is no need, she is here now," the lady intervenes in a soothing voice gently rubbing his arm trying to calm him.

"Was I talking to you," he throws at her menacingly pulling his arm away roughly causing her to flinch.

"I apologise once again sir, what can I get you?"

Narrowing my eyes at him keeping my cool as he ordered for both him and the lady, the female apologized on his behalf for him being rude.

I assure him that hell get his order immediately. Turning away I approach the other table that did not give me any attitude at all.

Serving both tables as soon as their orders were ready. Dick head Bob shooed me away from there table. I left and attend to the new table that have just arrive.

Clearing dick head Bobs tables I notice both the ladys wrist is dark purple as if they were squeezed with a lot of pressure, that was not there before. Focusing on what I am doing I cleared and left their table.

I hate when a female is being abuse, it brings up bad memory and makes my blood boil.

I knew my ears and face is turning red from suppressing my angrier that is steeping though my veins. Angrier directed at dick head Bob.

'It's not my business, it's not my business' I keep on chanting in my mind, 'it's not my business'.

Why do men abuse women? Does it give them power knowing that not every woman can fight back?

Why do they prey on women to feel powerful, to show dominance?

These men are weaklings. Men who prey on women are weak fools and they know it. They are fully aware they are weak fools.

To them it's easier to prey on women to feel a sense of power. They make themselves into monsters that use verbal, emotional, psychological and physical tactics to break down women mentally and how ever else they can.

I loathe them.

I hate those abusive mother fuckers. To call themselves men, pathetic if you ask me.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself I went back to the table with their bill.

Bill and the thoughts running though my mind all forgotten with what I see next, all restrain flew out the nearest window or door which ever one is closest.


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