Chapter 25

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"So, did you see him again?" Catherine asked. I knew who she was asking about but decide to play innocent.

"See who again?"

"You know that hot, non-anorexic looking man that could take his eyes off you" her eyes shine amusingly as she waited for my reply.

This is not the first time she inquired about him and I would tell her the same thing I told her the last couple of times, "No I have not but if I do youll be the first to know". She shakes her head looking at me as I work. Minutes went, and I still felt her gaze on me, as if trying to figure something out.

"What?" I ask facing her.

"You know in the months since I have known you Zaria. You get a lot of attention from both male and female. No one caught your attention the way he did, and you still won't admit you like him. I just hope you won't push him away when you see him again, I could tell he was so into you."

"Yeah well I don't like him", she raised her perfectly shaved brow at me clearly unconvinced, "And how do you know he was into me?"

"Well for one; he couldn't take is eye off you at all and two; the way he looked at you filled with so much admiration, longing and adoration. It was so intense. His stare was not directed at me, but I could feel it. I must admit I was a little jealous" she confessed causally causing my eyes to widen.

She has no reason to be jealous and why would she be jealous when she has Wayne. I couldnt help but ask, "Why?". Confusion must have surface on my face as she went on to elaborate.

"Because Wayne as never look at me that way, with so much intensity. We may have been together for years and everything is amazing but never had he gazed at me that way before and you just met a stranger who just looked at you like you're the most precious thing. It looked so sincere".

Wow. I am surprised to say the least. I never expect Catherine to feel that way. She looks away and murmurs, "Sorry".

"There is nothing to be sorry about, Wayne goes look to you with the same intensity. You just haven't notice but I do. He looks at you with so much love and admiration" I tell her. Maybe she just need assurance but it's true, you can see the love in his eyes when he gazed at her.

"Thanks, maybe I was just too blind to see but he does. Doesn't he?" she asks. I nod confirming it. She laughs shaking her head probably shaking out the ridiculous thought. She looks back at me mischievously. Oh lord no!

"Z when you see him again just throw that sexy booty of yours at him and he will fall at his knees begging for your mercy" she giggled.

"As if, I'll probably never see him again" thinking of it and saying it out loud feels like I am accepting it. Accepting the fact, I may not see him again and the thought doesn't settle well with me.

"Of course, you will. Didn't he say he'll be back to see you soon?" she queried.

I nodded then murmured, "We definitely have two different definition of 'soon'. His seems to be a week or two, I thought he would be back to see me by now" cringing at how desperation clouded my voice when I just denied not liking him a while ago.

"I knew you liked him although you claimed you didn't" Catherine grinned then went on to teasing me, "Zaria and mystery guy kissing in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. first come love then comes baby"

"Shut up Cat, don't you have work to do?" I ask her amused as she tuck her tongue out to me playfully. "You're such a kid"

"An ugly little brat indeed. No wonder Wayne doesn't love you. Pathetic you are"

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