Chapter 36

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Waking I fell something missing. Something I had gotten used to waking with. Stretching my arms, I felt for what I had been missing, but couldn't find. What I had been missing was Marcus arms that are usually wrapped tightly around me.

I peaked through my lashes as I shifted in to a sitting position. I felt the rays of the morning sun dance over my skin, which caused to look to down.

I am met with the sight of my breast out as the sheet pool at me waist. The memories from last night evades my mind, as a blush forms on my cheek at what had been seconds away from happening.

'I wonder where Marcus is?'

It also seems I had slept alone, which would be the first, since I had been living here.

'What could have been so urgent last night?'

Deciding to drop the thought for now. I did my morning rituals before checking on Rose, who was still asleep. Then went down to the kitchen for breakfast.

I met the back of my handsome mate, when I arrived at the kitchen. He was at the stove cooking, what smells like bacon. I watched his muscle filled back tense as I stepped closer to him, he must have sense my arrival.

"Morning," Marcus says in a toneless voice, with his back still turn to me. "Sit, breakfast is ready," He demanded. I stood motionless for a minute stunned by his cold behaviour.

'Why is he like this? Does his behaviour have anything to do with why he was call away last night? Does it have anything to do with me? Does it have anything to do with my confession yesterday? Has he changed his mind about me?'

'Don't go there, find out what caused him to be like this first, before jumping to conclusion,' The smart part of my brain said.

Deciding to follow my mind, I sat at the table silently as I watched him, trying to figure out what going on with him. Not long after a plate was placed in front of me. I noticed he also seems distracted.

The silence was killing me, soon I ended it. "You didn't come back last night, like you said you would," I stated.

"Sorry," He said curtly, as he lend against the counter, not meeting my eyes.

"What was so urgeny last night?" I asked, hoping he would answer.

"Eat up. Then we can talk about it, when you're finished."

From his tone I loss my appetite, but force myself to consume some of the food in front of me. I felt a nauseating feeling settles in my stomach as my mind ran free. The feeling got so intense that I couldn't get anymore of the food to pass my throat.

"What's going on?" I asked. I felt fear creeping up on me, just waiting to attack. Marcus didn't answer, just held his head down.

Just seeing him like that, I knew deep down something was extremely wrong. Fear kept drawing nearer, just hovering over me, waiting to come crashing down.

"WHAT GOING ON?" I ask more forceful this time as I got to my feet. He didn't answer again, which only caused angrier to begin brewing.

After awhile he said, "Come to my office," I followed him, not sure what to think from his actions and I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Reaching his office, he had not said a word, just open the door for me and closing it behind us. Glancing around I saw Levi sitting on a chair with his head in his hands.

Now I am really concerned, fear was touching the hair on my head now. Fear of not knowing what's coming next. Fear of voicing my questions, because I was afraid of what the answers will be.

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