Chapter 18

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Sharp pointy canines protrude from his mouth as he bares his teeth, then snapping them at me. Frighten, a shriek falls from my lips as I stumble back.

"not cool Levi, not cool", I tell him slightly annoyed.

The large wolf before me snaps his teeth at me again and growl loudly. I narrow my eyes then he tucks out his large tongue at me trying to do a wolfy grin as he wiggles his tail. The sight causes the small fear I feel moments ago to vanish as a smile fell on my lips.

He then laid down and put in head on his paws, a position at shows he means no harm. His eyes trail me as I knee running my finger through his amazingly soft fur. I heard him whine as I scratch behind his ear, laugher bubble from my throat as he then licks my face like a little puppy but only this puppy leaves behind a lot of saliva on my face.

I find myself thinking this is so cool, maybe all this isn't so bad after all. Maybe it's just fate or just a part of my destiny. Who knows?

We sat in comfortable silence seemingly lost in our own mind. Soon Levi got to his feet walking into the direction of the bathroom in the hall way to change back.


I had come to learn of these beasts and I am still learning. Levi told me I would not recognize one just looking at a person before but now that I know about them I could identify one if I pay attention to the way they move and the aura that radiates from them.

Hours went soon Levi decided to make dinner while he explains everything there was to know and he is a great cook, so who am I to stop him.

Now it comes down to the main part of information I wanted to know.

"How is a werewolf killed?" I ask bluntly no need to go around it.

"Planning to kill me, are you?" he chuckled

"No, but from what I witnessed I don't know the future. That info can be used to protect myself if need be."

"Fair enough, wolf bane can weaken us, it's a plant. Sliver is deadly, and a beheading will do the trick too"

"Thanks for telling me although my head feels like it going to combust processing everything" I massage my temple.

"I didn't want you to wake and think you were going insane, explaining things is the lease I can do for how you save my life"

"You keep on saying that"

"But you did" he tells me.

"And I still can't figure out how"

I don't know how to feel about all this, but they say what's meant to be will be and maybe it was meant to be as I watch him cook there is still one thing that plagues my mind.

"From what you told me a pack is a family. Levi why do you living on the street?" I know it might be personal be I wanted to know.

"What if I said I wanted to." He turns to face putting the dish towel on the counter.

"I don't believe anyone would want to live on the street their must be a reason", I tell him.

"If I tell you why, will you tell me what you are running from? Why you keep on looking over your shoulder? Why you're always so alert as if something is going to come out and get you?" he asks gazing deep in my shock eyes.

I don't think my eye could be any wider then they are already. My throat closes on me causing me to choke on my spit. Coughing, I feel my pulsing heart jump out of rhythm racing. Even in my coughing fit I could tell he his listening to the racing beats of my heart the way his ears perk up a bit.

I never thought any one would ever caught on to the way I move careful and alert while moving like a regular person. Maybe I could finally tell someone my secret about my haunted past and be okay with it.

He did share his and what he is. He could have leave me to deal with what I saw by myself.

'But he did not.'

"Okay", I whispered to him but maybe more to assure myself.


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