Chapter 28

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"I miss you Z, please wake up," I heard a small voice said.

"She will wake soon, good as new," said another deep voice that I didn't recognised.

"But I want her to wake up now," the small voice demand, I recognise as Rose says. Her voice cracks as if on the verge of tears. I felt small fingers clutching tightly to my hand.

'Rose don't be sad, I am right here," I wanted to say as I desperated tried to get the words out. I tried using all my strenght to hold on to her small hand but it's all in vain as I felt myself being pulled into a deep slumber.

Grabbing the last thread of consciousness I fight the losing battle of waking up as I sink further into the never-ending darkness. The last thing I heard before it swallow me whole was;

"I do too Rose, I do too," The strange deep voice says with sadness dropping from it, trying to comfort Rose.


Darkness, that's all that surounds me. I tried looking for light somewhere but found none, nothing but darkness. I am so worried about Rose I can't found her anywhere. I miss her so much. I don't know how I ended up here in this dark place. I tried to recall how I came here but come up blank.

So, now I sit here waiting, waiting for the darkness to fade away. I don't know how long I waited, but it seems like seconds, days, years, I am not sure.

I feel numb and tired, I am tired of waiting, Rose could be in danger and I am stuck here. I tried calling out for help but no one answered my calls of distress.


"Whose there?" I asked looking around the darkness to find the source of the voice who spoke.

"Ozaria," the voice called again from behind me, turning to it I found one person I thought I would never see again.

"Mom," I breathe in disbelieve, "Is that really you?"

"Yes my child, it's time" she said, smiling at me.

"Time for what?" I asked her, confused.

"Time for you to wake up, Rose needs you my dear," she told me.

"Mom, I miss you so much," I ran to her but she disappeared into nothing.

"And I you, I love you both so much. But you need to wake up now," I heard her voice say.

"Mom, please don't leave me again," I begged her as I felt tears rolling down my cheek.

"I never left you, Ozaria. I am always with you in your heart," Her soft voice said. "Rose needs you. Just follow my voice, it will lead you to her"

I followed her voice in the darkness until I saw a bright light.

"Go on my child, walk in to the light," she told me.

I did has she told me, the light swallowed me whole.


I felt myself being pulled into consciousness. I moan out in discomfort. Everywhere hurt, my entire body feels sore. God, I feel like shit.

Cracking my eyes open, I shut them tight as I felt the bright light burn them. I groan, trying to open them again as I peak through my lashes, I felt happy in successingly opening my eyes.

Looking around the white walls of the room, I realized I might be in the hospital. A beeping sound draw my attention to the heart monitor and cords that surround me, which confirms that in an hospital bed is where I now lay. Looking out the window to my right tells me that it is early morning now.

'How did I get here?' I thought as I tried to recollect what had happened to put me here, but came up blank.

Moving to a sitting position, painful groans left my lips as my sore body protest against it and any sudden movements. It took all my energy to sit up, which left me with none to balance and stay upright. Thus, this caused me to fall backward on to mattress with a thud.

My breaths comes out in pant as I feel so tired and drain. I felt my strenght leaving me, pulling me. I fight to stay awake but with feeling so tired and drain, I gave up letting the darkness pulling me into a dreamless slumber.


"Hey Z, it's me again. I miss you," I heard a small voice sounding like Rose said.

"I'll be back in a hour, okay Rose" a deep male voice told her.

"Okay," Rose replied, soon after I heard the door being closed. Rose went on to telling me about her day and all the things she did.

I felt small fingers touching my hand. Opening my eyes I saw Rose looking down at my fingers as she plays with them as she spoke. She looked so sad and it breaks my heart know I am the reason why she looks this way. She was dress in a pretty sun dress with her hair pulled back into a neat bun.

"I met a new friend today Zaria..." She tells me. I felt so sore and lock of strenght but I force with everything I could muster to grab her hand in mine. Rose gasps as she stops talking med-sentence and stare at her hands in mine.

"H-he-hey," I tried saying but my voice cracks as my throat burns from being dry.

Rose eyes goes wide and she met mine in surprise and shock. Bursting out of her surprise and shock trance, she cried out, "I knew you would wake because you had promise not to leave me," that's all I caught as she rambled on, speaking so fast.

"W-wa-water," I manage to get out as my throat burns even more than before.

Rose nod her head and went to the table in the corner of the room. I watch as she grasp the jug handle in her small hand and poor water in a glass. She then lifts the glass and walk carefully to my bed side, where she rests the glass on the bed side table. She climbs on to the bed trying her best not to hurt me as she grabs the glass of water and brought it up to my lips.

"Open up," She says as she tilts the glass. Parting my dry lips the cool liquid flows through my mouth and down my throat. I use my lips to tilt the glass more to get more of this refreshing goodness. I greedly glup the water down which caused me to fall into a coughing fit. Rose moves the glass from my lips as some of the water spits from my lips.

"I am sorry Z," she says, as she place the glass on the bed side table once more. Rose lips quivered uncontrollable as she head her head down, repeating she was sorry.

"It's not your fault," I told her once my coughing fit ended, that's when her dam break and the water-works begin. Finally feeling strenght returning to body. I grab her, pulling her to me as I hug her my everything in me. It breaks me seeing her crying like this.

"Shhh, it's okay" I whispered to her comfortingly, while racking her in my arms.

"I th-throught y-you we-were going t-to die," She said through her tears. My heart clenchs at her words as I feel tears of my own building.

"Shhh, I am here now. Everything is going to be okay, my baby." I told her, "Everything will be okay"

Ten mintues or an hour, I do not know. We hold each other as Rose cried and me whispering words of love and that everything will be okay. It has been a little while now since Rose had calm down and stopped crying. She felt limp in my arms probably pass out from crying so much and exhaustion. Her soft snores confirms she is indeed sleeping.

Holding her to me, lost in throught. I didn't hear the door being open until it was being close with a soft clink. Looking up at the intruder, I sucked in a harsh breath. The heart monitor beeping so loud indicating how fast my heart was beating.

The last person I thought I would see now stands before me. One thing kept replaying in my mind as I look at the person before me slips through my lips.



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