Chapter 1

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''Baby, it's time for your morning bath. Soon time to go".

We go through this every morning and it always ends with me threatening her. She is my beloved sister but she sleeps like a log.

God I love her to death. Signing, "Baby girl it's time, we are going to be late. It's your first day of school. You don't want to be late, do you?"

She peek out from under the covers, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. A pout mask her face. ''Morning Zaria, do I have to go?"

Sitting on the edge of her bed, I pulled her in my lap. ''Rose we have been through this. You must go to school, education is very important and you'll make a lot of friends," I reasoned.

"But what if we have to move again and then I'll have to make new friends again", she looks up at me with her big brown eyes as sadness settles in.

"Baby it's ok, we aren't going to move again. I know I have said that a few times, but I am sure this time and don't worry about it, school is going to be great, you'll meet different people and make a lot of friends'', I told her hoping she would understand, "school isn't so bad".

Signing against me she ask ''What if they don't like me?", still looking sad, all I want to do is put a smile on her beautiful face.

"Then, they are fools if they don't like you, you are the most intelligent, smart and awesome kid I know" I said, smiling softly at her.

"Oh please, your suppose to say that you are my sister after all", she say gesturing with her hand as she spoke, hugging her to me tightly "Rose baby you know I love you but it's time to get ready to go", I kiss her temple making her groan.


After giving rose a bath, I dress her in a cute little yellow sundress, putting her dark brown shoulder length hair into pigtails, leaving her looking adorable. Preparing a quick breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast. We ate quickly and rushed out knowing we were probably going to be late.

Dropping Rose off at school, wishing her a great day and waving goodbye.

Now, now I am alone left with my drowning thoughts. I rest my head against the steering wheel, thinking about all that as happen in the past 3 years since that dreadful night.

Three years of being on the run, scared the authorities find me, if they figured out I killed my older cousin even though it was self defence. I panic that night not knowing what to do, I pack both Rose and I important belongings and flee. I had to protect Rose and myself, since our parents died in a car crash when I was 16 and Rose was 2.

Rose will never know our parents, never know how they were and of how they were wonderful parents to us. Catherine and Rayan Peterson were the best parent anyone could ask her, they loved us with all their hearts and always make sure we knew we were loved. Losing both parents at the same time was hard.

I was at school when they called me out of class to the principal's office to inform me about what had happen, I fainted. Waking up a couple of hours later to face reality. I cried for weeks and was also depressed. The only thing that brought me back from depression was my baby sister, knowing I had to do my best to care for her, I had to drop my teenage act and grow up.

We went to live with our aunt in another city. Aunt Marie was my moms sister, she was diagnose with cancer but she still took us in. She didn't want us to go into foster care. Aunt Marie's husband Paul had died long ago in the army, where the served 10years, leaving her with their two children Desmond who was 5 years older than I was and Kimberly who was my age.

Although aunt Marie was kind and loving, nothing can compare to the love of a mother. I miss her and my parents dearly.

Desmond and Kimberly never treated us kindly, hate is not even the right word I would use to describe how much they despise us. They always found a reason to bully or ill-treat us. After aunt Marie had past things at taken a turn for the extreme worst and I am not exaggerating. I had to take care of the house hold by doing all the cooking, washing and cleaning while caring for Rose as well.

Getting to bed exhausted every night and waking up early had been my routine. I had no time for friends and very little time for school. I was very lucky to even graduate on how poorly I attend school. I had to grow up and face the reality for what it was.

Desmond had always looked at me intensely, his gaze penetrating, never fail to make me feel uncomfortable. Eyes lingering a bit too long on my breast or my ass, creeping me out. I was just happy that's all he did, but maybe I was a little too native to think that's all it was ever going to be.

When Kimberly left for college everything changed even more, his verbal abuse had gotten very bad to the point he would threaten to hit me or hurt Rose.

Then begun the touching, where he would find ways to brush his body against mine while passing or grad my arm leaving a bruise behind.

Most nights he got home drunk, shouting for me to help him but I had always ignore him completely afraid he would try to hurt me. Protecting Rose and myself, I would lock both of us in the bathroom which felt safer than my room although the doors where bolted lock. Protecting Rose as always been my first priority.

That horrible night as haunted my dreams ever since. Desmond was not suppose to be home that night. He was suppose to be at work, but I guess shit happens.

Life is unfair, but we are lucky to be alive. I never meant to kill him, but as I said before shit happens and now I am a murderer with a guilty conscience, a guilt that is eating me alive. I can't be separated from my sister, she is my life, my joy, seeing her happy makes me happy.

Coming back from my reverie, feeling as if the world is on my shoulder. It's so hard to put on a brave face and smile as if I am not struggling to survive, it's so hard to be strong and stay strong for the both of us.

It's so hard trying to protect her from the demons of the world, knowing one day she will have to face these demons,

Demons of the society,

Demons who are people of the society,

but I will protect her with my life, until then I will do anything to protect her, even kill.

Starting my car engine, I started towards my job interview at a restaurant. Pushing my thoughts aside, I smile and put on a determine look, knowing how important this job is and their is nothing stopping me from getting this job.

Well here goes everything.

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