Chapter 19

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"Marian was my mate the love of my life", he pauses smiling and looks to be loss in a memory then he continues, "We met when we were both eighteen, we knew right then and there we were soulmates. She had the most beautiful blue eyes and a smile that melted me instantly. We mated right away, a few years later we had our son. We were happy, so happy. Thirty beautiful years together."

He pauses again this time his face changes to one that breaks my heart for him even if he is not fully human. The expression that trumps the smile he wore a minute ago is a look of a broken man, as if what he had treasured most was ripped away from him. The pale and haunted look in his eyes and the way he gulps thickly, I could tell me what was coming next.

And it made my eyes glisten with unshed tears at the unspoken words yet to leaves is quivering lips.

"S-she was ki-killed by a rogue wolf and I was not there to saved her. She took her last breath in my arms", his voice comes in a shaky breath. "I feel responsible for her death, she did not deserve to die the way she did."

I want to tell him to stop, he seems to be reliving the torture of seeing her dead body. But I am unable to speak pass the thick lump in my throat. I rush to him and hug him tight. There are no words I can used to make up for what he has loss. I only hope my hug is enough to comfort him because I know what it feels like to lose someone you loved, and words never helped, words can never bring them back it's knowing someone is there to comfort you.

Levi calm down awhile later drying the few tears he shed then pat my back letting me know he is ok again. He turns back to the pot on the stove putting the other contents in.

"I felt like I failed my kid and the pack. So, to make thing easier on everyone and myself I left, they hate me but not more than I hate myself for being late to protect her, their mother and Luna." His voice comes out stronger now.

Silence sets in again. The amora of Levis stew filled the air stirring my now rumbling stomach, but even as my stomach rumbles for food it twists more at the thought of retelling my dreadful past one that still haunts my dreams.

'You can do this,' I encourage myself. I inhale deeply and spill the contents of my past from the day our parent died, living with aunt Marie and her kids to the abuse I received, to how I was almost raped and how my cousin had threatened to kill us and how I got away after killing Desmond. Coming to the end of my story I use a tissue to dry the tears that flowed once I had started. Taking lungful of air as I try to regulate my breathing.

Levi had returned the hug and support as I told my story.

"You went though so much at a young age no wonder you are so strong now?" He comforts me.

"Yet most times I don't feel strong." My voice breaks saying this.

"But you are. You fought to protect your sister and yourself and you are still fighting every day. Fighting to survive. Ozaria you are a wonderful sister and friend." He says staring in to my eyes and I believe every word he says.

"Thanks Leviticus."

We have come so far in a few months from me giving him a simple meal and a ten dollars note to him saving my ass times and times again to sharing our deep secrets to being friends. It feels so great to finally have someone who I can truly and utterly call a friend even if he is a big bad wolf. Claire and James are second parents I had also told him about them.


We had eaten and the stew was amazing. It could go up against Claire's food and I had believed no one could top Claire's cooking but I had been wrong. I had talked Levi into going back home it was not easy, but I had told him no matter what age his son was. He still needed his father, because it's not easy to lose one but two parents.

I had told him Marian's death was not his fault and somethings happen for a reason and his pack and his son did not hate him which I believed they don't and got him to believe the same as well. He had concluded he was going home tomorrow morning, because after we talked, he said he doesn't feel at fault for Marian's death anymore and that weight as been lifted from his shoulders.

I had told him to crash on my settee for the night and gave him some blankets and the clothes and other stuff I had got him before which he had refused but was now thankful.

I was so happy I could of help him to find peace again and hope. Hope that tomorrow and the days followed he could once again be happy.

Retiring at bed after talking to Rose. I had recall all the events that happened from first arriving in this town to just an hour ago and if someone had told me the future I would have laugh in their face and probably called them out to be insane.

I chuckled to myself, who ever had said it first they were so right and more, so wiser 'No One Knows the Future Only Time Will Tell.'


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