Chapter 13

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I was pushed from where I stood.

The sound of the gun shot rang out, causing me to snap my head around so fast I thought for a second I had broken my neck. I saw Levi clutch his side and the gun in dick heads hand.

He must have pulled it from his waist when I was distracted by his psycho laugh. No wonder he was laughing he secretly had another weapon.

Acting fast I kick the gun from his hand as Levi falls to the ground still holding his side.

Feeling furious now that Levi got hurt I gave him a roundhouse kick to the side of his head causing him to fall to the ground hitting his head hard again knocking him out completely and maybe for a few days even.

Looking down on his body he is a bloody mess. Blood coming from his nose, mouth and various parts of his face. I did promise him I would never allow him to lay a harmful hand on a lady ever again.

Seeing as he follows through on his promise to hurt me it only fair I keep mine. I use the heel of my boot to stamp on his hands repeatedly. Now, I am piss I knock him out he should be feeling his phalanges and metacarpals breaking.

I promise myself to fuck him up and looking at the bloody mess which his dick head Bob I could say a follow though on that promise. I painful grunt pulled me from my dark thoughts. Snapping my head to the sound I see Levi sitting on the ground with his back to the wall.

"Shit Levi", I curse stooping down to his level.

Blood rush from between his fingers where he had it press against the gun shot wound. "Fuck Levi I could have handled him", I say to him.

"But you didn't see the gun and he was about to shot you", he response back hissing.

"Fucking shit Levi, how many times are you going to save my life? At this rate I'll never be able to repay you", this causes him to chuckle as his eyes looks ready to close.

"Levi stay with me, I am going to take you to the hospital", I told him trying to get him to his feet. Hearing the word 'hospital' seems to sober him up from his haze as he helps me in pushing himself to his feet.

"No hospital", he grits out painfully.

"Fuck sake what should I do?", I ask steering us towards my car.

"Just no hospitals" he whispered, we struggle to reach my car as we sway a few times. Have I mention that Levi is a very big man and when I say big I'm talking about 6ft 5'' and muscles I now feel as I help him, but I didn't notice through the big clothes he wears.

Leaning him against the car I pick him my keys and bag where they fell from my hand and open the door to help Levi in. I found a sweater on the back seat I pick it up and put it at the wound to help stop the blooding for now, "Keep pressure on this", I told him which he groans in respond.

"I'll be back", I said and take off into a sprint to the alley where dick head Bob is still out cold. I pick up the knife. I was not leaving this baby behind. I kick him in the stomach once more before running back to the car with my new toy.

The only thing showing Bob is still breathing is from the rise and fall of his chest.

Rushing back to the car I jump into the driver's seat and pull out of the parking lot. I glance at Levi to see him staring at me with a strange expression as if wondering if I was crazy.

"What?" I ask, before turning my gaze back to the road.

I can still feel his gaze on me as he asks, "You seriously went back for a knife?" in a tone of disbelief.

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