Chapter 11

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Dick head Bob and his friends of 4 are walking towards me, looking every bit like a dangerous thug gang.

I drop me bag and prepare myself mentally and position myself for the attack that was sure to come. As they advance towards me I plan out my strategy to take them down. My plan of action.

All of dick head Bob thug-looking-friends were above 6ft and had bulging muscles, tattoo scattered over their bodies and a lot of body piercing. Scowls on the faces all looking at me.

I stead my breathing and ready myself to put all my practice training into action. Years of training, 'oh yes I am so ready'.

I stretch my neck and put a smirk on my lips, 'I am so going to bust their asses'.

I narrow my eyes at them and observe them for sign of weakness in the way they move. I find only two of them had signs of weakness.

The two tallest are walking with a slight limp in their step I could use it to my advantage.

As they approach me I rise my fist and take my fighting stance. 5 more feet, 2 more feet and 'ATTACK I shout my war cry in my mind'.

And they all walk pass me.

'Well ok then' I am trying to wrap my brain around what just happen. Didn't they just yell out to me threateningly as if they are ready to attack?

Now that's weird, I then hear one of them call out again "HEY YOU JERRY, YOU FUCKING PRICK", to a man that seems to be one of their friends that was about 3 meters behind me.

They didn't even glance at me not once, I think I said that do fast. Dick head Bob turn his head and give me an evil look and then wink at me while smirking.

Turning his head, he continues with his friends. He seems to remember me and his promise. From the look he gave me I know he still remembers and will make good on his promise.

Well now I can say they never once look in my direction as they meet their friend and went their way.

'What if I had attack first?'

If that wasn't awkward I don't know what is.

Putting the thoughts of those men at the back of my mind for now and continue my way to the gym after picking up my bag.

James is in the counter with what looks like a new guy he's training. Turning around he catch me gazing at him, using his hand to wave me over towards him. I put my bag on a nearby bench and went over to him.

"Whats up James? How is Claire doing?"

"Claires great, she had been asking about you. You should come by with Rose for dinner one of these days when you have time. And this is Titus, he just started training here yesterday", he gestures to the young man beside him "I would like your help in training him. He's going to be in the kick boxing competition the town over".

"Tell Claire we will come over this evening and of course. Come on Titus show me what you got", I said while I till my head to the side to study him, he seems strong, strong upper arm. The way he bounds on his feet his right knee looks weak I could help him strengthen it and point out his other weak point to improve it.

James chuckles in the back ground while shaking his head for my peripheral view.

We got into the ring and in our fighting stance and begin sparing.


"You're not bad", I tell Titus after sparing for 45 minutes then decided to take a break, stepping out of the ring sweat bathes our face trickling down as we regulate our breathing.

"You're not too bad yourself", he replies grinning. Titus is handsome with his straight nose, strong jaw line, pearly white teeth, hazel eyes and caramel skin.

"Me not too bad?", I ask him pointing a finger at myself "I could so kick your ass if we were not training", I claim flipping my hair.

"Yeah right", he snorts.

"Your wanna give it a go chicken feet", I challenge him looking him deep in the eye with a straight face to let him know I am serious.

"Ok, kids break it up, Titus I don't want to see you leave here with a busted ass and a deflated ego", James said laughing as he leans against his office door that is 10 feet away from where we are standing causing Titus to laugh.

"Anyway, it is time for me to go", turning to James I embrace him and grab my bag. Glancing back at Titus I see him watching my ever move.

"Tomorrow I am going to hand your ass to you", I tell Titus winking at him.

He laughs shaking his head "looking forward to getting my ass handed to me", he says grinning playfully.

"Take care baby girl, I'll tell Claire what you said, and see you later and call if you need anything".

"Ok James. Will do," exiting the gym I went home and get ready for work.

I don't know what I would do without Claire and James, they are the closest and only family we have left.

Reaching work, I had sought out Levi and give him is daily meal which he accepts but still went on to tell me I should stop bring him food blah blah blah...

Anyway, I had stop listening to him when he started his daily sermon about the whole food thing. I had wish him a great day and went my way.

At the end of my shift Miss Davis had ask me to do a double shift because two of our staff fell sick with some sort of stomach bug. I had agreed but with a condition to leave and pick up Rose from school.

Which I did then bring her to Claires house to have dinner and stay the night because I was not sure what time I was going to leave work. I had also rain-check on dinner that I had promise to stay for.

James and Claire were happy to have Rose over and spent the night. I had told then I would get Rose in the morning.

I entered the deserted parking lot after my long tiring double shift.

I am so exhausted and beat. My bed is calling my name 'Zaria, Zaria', right about now. I hear you my soft sheet and flurry pillar, I am coming, my comfy bed.

I wonder how Rose is doing, she's probably sleeping right now.

Levi is not in his regular spot, I don't see him anywhere. I'll probably see him tomorrow.

Reaching my car, I struggle to get the door open through my sleeping haze. The keys fell from my hand, stooping to put them up.

Standing up I feel the cold, razor sharp edge of a blade at the bass of my throat.


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