Chapter 3

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I head home and then to the gym for my work out / training.

Being in the spotlight as never been my thing, never like being the center of attention. I have been going to this gym for weeks now and every time they would stop what they were doing and look to me, like I am on a display or something.

I mean like everyone here has seen before and I am not the only female that comes here, maybe its because I dont talk to anyone but James, the owner. Normally I would just glare there way causing then to look away.

I then go to the back where I usually train,






I train until my muscles feel sore and sweat bathes my skin and soak my shirt making it stick to my skin. Until my breathing starts coming out in pants and I can feel my heart beat in my ear hammering away as if it going to burst. I train until I become exhausted than I know I have reach my limit for the day. Never again will I be helpless and defenseless.

The afternoon went so fast and before I knew it was time to pick up Rose from school.

Leaning patiently against my old beat up corolla which is still running after so long, so much I am just grateful is hasn't break down yet. The wind picks up speed causing me to fold my arms as an involuntary shiver ran down my spine followed by goose bumps trailing up my arms, cursing myself for not wearing a jacket.

Thick dark clouds started rolling in implying its going to rain soon. Checking watch that now reads 3pm on cue the school bell rang out. Cars started rolling in with parents or caregiver to retrieve their cute little monsters. As the doors burst open my baby came out, she stops then glance around until she spotted me and ran towards me with a wide grin on her face.

Kneeling, I scoop her up in my arms hugging her, standing I spin her around causing her to tighten her hold around my neck as she giggled. Setting her back on her feet, I teased her.

"Seems like someone had a great day and forgot all about me" I said pouting.

"How could I when youre the bestest sister ever Zaria" Rose said rolling her eyes. A habit she got from me, still faking my pout she raps her small arms around my legs "I missed you lots", she admits.

"Ok, how was your day and did you make any friends", I inquired excited, getting the car door for her has she haps in.

"It was great, Miss Grey was very nice, and my new best friend is Talia, she gave me a pencil when a last mine and she said she wanted me to be her friend", her massive smile reaching her eyes as she rants about her friend. Buckling her in I smile back at her show her I was listening as she continued "and there is this boy, Marcel. He is so cute I like him, and he called me 'cute'," she gushed as her chuddy cheeks redden with a beautiful brush.

"Whhaatt! someone's got a bboooyyy frieeend", I teased in a singing voice making her cheeks redden even more causing her look like a tomato, I pinch her cheek.

" Stop! Zaria no teasing" Rose pleaded swatting my hands way, she looks down in embarrassment.

"Ok! ok!" I told her holding my hand in surrender "No more teasing ...... for today". I wink at her, she seems content with my reply as she nods her head.

"Guess, who found a job?" I asked, as I start the car engine.

Rose head snap up, grinning as she sported my expression. Knowing her, I knew what she was going to ask next.

"Great, can we get ice cream please Zaria, can we?" she eagerly asked

Shaking my head, I replied "Definitely princess".


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