Chapter 22

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A few weeks had pass since Levi went home. He had call me on the night of his arrival and told me how everything went great and he was happy to be back home. He had call once or twice to check up on me and how everything was.

Work at been great too. Catherine and I went shopping and had I girl's day out which she had convince to and it had been fun. The word fun taste weird on my tongue I had not have that taste for a long while with other girl my in my age group. We had also bond in a way too.

Rose and I went to a few dinners at Claire's, we had grown ever closer, but the offer Leviticus made lingers in the bad of my mind. I still had not fully considered it, so I did not decide.

I had also continued training with Titus he had gotten even better that before ready to take on what road he chooses to go on.


The breeze light and gentle caress my skin at it sways through the trees, birds flow through it enjoying it as much as I am. The warm morning sun bathes my skin giving it its daily vitamin D treatment. Blue and clear not a puffy cloud to be seen.

It indicates it is good coming to be a marvellous day as like my mood. I feel lighter than light today well now just today but for the past few weeks Levi was not the only one who felt a weight lifted from him is shoulder but me to. Confessing my past and knowing I could trust Levi make me feel lighter and maybe a bit peaceful too.

Dropping Rose at school I hum to one of my favourite song as it blasts through the speaks of my car and then head to work. I feel excited and nerve and I don't know why I just do. Have you ever had that feeling something great is going to happen? That how I feel too. Ill probably find so money or get a big tip today who knows.

Parking in the lot at work I always find myself glancing in the spot Levi had always occupied. Even now of week I can still feel is present there. The restaurant had gotten very busy that miss Davis had to hire two more new staff.

Strapping the armour of my apron over my uniform I leave the changing room and head to my station for this shift. Plastering a smile that match my mood.

"hello Zaria, how are you today, beautiful", Mr. Timmer ask, he is one of my regular customer who always ask to sit in my station and never fail to used an endearment.

"good and you. I hope your behaving yourself", I tease the 60-year-old.

"I am great but when it comes to you never", he winks at me causing me to laugh. I had learned some time ago he never married so now in is old age he teases the females he likes, and I guess that is now me.

"you charmer, so what can I get you the usual?", I ask


"have a change for a change are we", he chuckles shaking his head, "what would you like?"

"I would like YOU sugar", I raise my brow expecting him to burst out laughing like he usually does after comment like those, but his features remain seriously.

"now now enough joking around for one day", I said trying to brush off what he said a moment ago easily I don't want to break his old heart too hard. "I will begin you the usually", I told him walking away.

Going into the kitchen Catherine stop beside and says, "I dont think he will ever stop, you know. Poor old thing, doesn't he know you are a cop who will put him into cardiac arrest?"

We laugh at her joke, "I have been trying to let him down easily but it now working he always comes back", I complain.

"I know, he should have wed in his young now loneliness bits him in the ass, he throws money around hoping he could get some, pity", Catherine states.

"yeah pity for him hes not getting anywhere near this cookie, he should try someone else. He'll probably will find himself with a goal digger but if he should die I know he will at lease die happy"

"yep, now bring the man his food sugar", Catherine mocks causing me to childishly tuck my tongue at her earning a laugh from her.

"here you go MR. Timmer",I place his meal before and smile kindly at his wrinkle face, "enjoy your meal if you need anything else let me know ok" just as I turn to leave he stop me in my tracks with what he says next, I truly feel for him. he only wants to be happy.

"it because I am old why you dont want to give me a chance, I can give you everything your heart desire. You wouldnt have to work another day in your life", he said trying to get a hold of my hand which I move out of his grasp before he could reach it.

I feel bad that I am about to reject him. "I am truly flattered that you chose to like me", I inhale deeply trying to figure out I can put him down easily. I can see the light of hope brighten in his eyes only to soon be vanished. "but I am not looking for a relationship anytime soon and I hope you find someone to make you happy but I that someone is not me, I am sorry"

"it's ok and you didnt have to be so nice about, but I will not give up on you until you give me a chance." He smirks at me.

"I wish you luck with that, but I hope you have a strong resolved to always accept reject", I told him, he only laughs in return and went on to devour his meal.

Leaving the table Catherine approaches me grinning. "you did good letting him down easy, poor thing", she says sympathy.


"you have been like hot bread at the bakery, how many men ask you out a day? Eight or nine?", she asks me her eyes twinkling in amusement.

"please your exaggerating and it's might only be two or three. They only waste their time", I told her shaking my head.

"yeah yeah it's time you find yourself a boyfriend to keep you tired and wanting more", she jokes.

"I am going to tell you what I told old man Timmer I dont want a relationship right now", I told her hoping she would drop the topic, but I guess she is not going to.

"but about that guy he come here every other day and only sits where your stationed", I look to where she is gesturing with her head.

"you mean that skinny anorexic looking one", she nods and giggles "yeah no, not my type"

"how will you know if he is your type if you dont get to know him. you said yourself you have never dated, and I still cant get how when you have that banging body. I mean look at your boobs and bum they are prefect", she looks puzzled at the end of her rant.

"don't burst your pretty brain on such things", I tell her patting her shoulder trying not to laugh at the expression plastered on her beautiful face.

"how about that hot guy that just walk in and he can't seem to take his eye of you", I turn to the door to see who she is talking about.

My breath hitch went my eye connect with the strangers. I felt my breath quicken as my heart skips a beat then begin to race. Eyes so alluring so rich with emotions I feel myself being lost in the depts of those eyes, so hypnotized. I turn away when Catherine laugh me back to reality I feel a brush coating cheek as she grins even wider at me.

I have never felt that way before or even been slightly affected in that way by anyone. My heart as never race so fast at it is now. My heart as jolt in frighten and race in fear but as never skip a beat and went this crazy by just looking someone in the eye.

'What is happen to me and my poor heart?'


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