Chapter 15

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'Logic police here! If he wanted to you hurt, he would do it and you couldn't stop him even if you tried. He also wouldn't have saved you, if he wanted you hurt. Remember he's a flipping werewolf.' My subconscious states.

Deciding to trust Levis word I put the bat down on the table and massage my temple as I feel a slight headache coming on. I want to know has much as I can about these creatures, where they come from and how to defeat one, as much info. If need be I can protect Rose and myself from them if I ever come across one again.

Looking around the room a had not realize that the place was completely spotless as if I had not preformed my first uncertificated surgery when I remove the bullet. Everything looked to be in place too.

"Then what happen after?... you know", I can't believe I fainted, but then who wouldn't. I never expected to see what I did, at lease I am still here not running and screaming for the hills.

'Well you did scream so it's just not the running to the hills part.'

Why the hell did my subconscious decide to come and irritate me suddenly, 'shut up'

"The place was a mess, the least I could do was clean up. I never said thank you", Levi said sincerely. "so, thanks"

"Thank me for what?", looking a bit puzzled he's the one who saved me.

"For taking me here and extracting the bullet, you didn't of to, you could have left me at the spot".

I smiled light starting to feel some what relax around him, "No need to thank me if you had not called out distracting him and push me out of the way in time I would be dead, so I am the one who should be thanking you." I told him wholeheartedly.

"No, I told you still already you saved my life as well in more ways than one and I own you for that", he told me gazing into my eyes.

He had told me that before, but I never understood what he meant, "what do you mean?"

He raised a eyebrow questioning as if asking me to elaborate.

"What do you mean when you said I saved you life in more ways than one? And how did I save it?" I ask.

"One day I will tell you, how you saved my life child" He chuckled, "I also cleaned your car early this morning. I didn't want anyone to see any blood and phone the police"

That made sense if any one saw blood on or in my car they would surely call the cops. Levi is old enough to be my father, so I don't mind when he calls me child.

"Thanks for cleaning up," I say as silence settles in. I am still gazing at him finally coming to term that werewolves do exist.

"Why don't you clean up and let me set a plate then you. Then you can fire the questions you need answers to," I nod and when to my room as my thoughts run wild.

Glancing behind me Levi is standing in the same spot watching my retreating back. Closing the door behind me I press my back up against the door. He can hear my every movement.

'Why won't I stop putting myself in dangerous situation.'

I don't know how to feel about all this, my emotions are all over the place. So much thoughts, so much emotions.

This is so crazy, never in my twenty-one years have I ever thought something this insane could ever happen or could even exist. Werewolves are supposed to be myths, legends, ancient stuff that are not to exist outside of movies, books or imagination but they somehow do.

The clock on the night stand shows its just after twelve. Wow I really did over sleep, Rose would have wakened me up by seven. Rose, shit I had told Claire I would get her early this morning. I should call her right now and tell her I am coming to get Rose.

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