Chapter 20

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Perspiration soak my blouse and hair as I sat up panting, minutes went as I calm my racing heart.

The sun peek between the curtains looking in, lighting the room. My dreams are yet again corrupted by the events of my past. After my morning routine the smell of pancake and bacon flowed through the air.

Following the heavenly smell to the kitchen where a stranger stood.

I knew who he is, but I couldn't stop the gasp that left my lips. The man before me is handsome, most of his features were hidden by his overgrown hair and beard. Now that the beard and the excess hair gone the man before although he is older and could be my dad, he is hot if I say so myself.

Like an older kind of hot. His muscles out line his button up shirt, his features are shape. He maybe attractive in his own way but I don't feel attracted to him in any way. The only feeling I have towards him is friendship.

"Done checking me out" Levi says laughing, "what? can't believe I was this handsome under all that hair and baggy clothes"

I turn away from him as a brush fell on my cheeks from being caught staring at him. "I was not. I am not checking you out. Levi you look so different and truth be told handsome too." I admit causing him to laugh more.

"Thank for the clothes and everything. I really appreciate the eye-opening talk we have last night" his voice growing heavy has he continues, "you help me more than you know. Marian would have loved you and how strong, independent and kind hearted you are"

Even as he mentions her name pain flashes in his eyes before it fades. Leviticus may say he is ready to go home, face everything and that the weight of her death as been lifted from is shoulders, but I know it is going to take some time for him to fully let go of the pain of the past.

"I would have loved that", I smile at him. A werewolf in my presence, who would of thought.

"come have breakfast I made what I found, chocolate chip pancakes and bacon", he gestures to the table. you may need go grocery shopping. Sorry for dropping the bomb of my kind on you and consuming all the food you had.

"no problem, that's what friends are for right! dropping bomb shell about being a creature of myths and books" I said winking at him.

Shaking his head, he joins me. I know the time is coming for him to go, we didn't mention it, but it plagues our minds. I only met him a few months ago but, in a way, it felt longer from our conversion to now. He is the first real friend I had in a long who I shared my secrets with.

"I have something to ask and I dont know how you will feel about it" he said a bit hesitant as he turn to face me with his dark searching eyes, "I have to ask. I dont want to regret not asking. You are a good person and you deserve better and to live your life"

"I am living my life Levi", I cut in staring him in the eye, he waves me to stop.

"you are living a life Ozaria, but you are not living your life. You know what I mean", he said seriously, his gaze penetrating my eyes as if looking into my soul.

His aura getting stronger for me to handle causing me to break my gaze. I knew what he meant, a life without looking over my shoulder or wonder who is going to pop up when. I know it may not be the ideal life living in this small apartment, breaking my back working many hours to provide for us but I do it all for Rose and I would do it again and again.

"what do you want to ask?" I ask exhaling deeply and dropping the argument because I knew I may not win.

"I want you and your sister to go back home with me", I nearly choking on my spit as I stare at Levi wide eye.


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