Chapter 27

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I could hear fist colliding with my door, pulling me from deep sumbler.

Waking up my limps ache more than they usually do. I groan, sitting up in bed then remembered the reason for waking up so suddenly.

"Ozaria wake up you lazy imbecile," I could hear the booming asshole's voice and his fist banging on the door from the other side.

Deciding not to answer the probably drunk fool. I stand even though my limps protest against it. He probably wants me to make him breakfast.

"Get out here and make that bitch stop crying or else I will shut it up," The monster that terrorized me called out.

Fear filled me as I scrambled to open the door, I run pass him to where the sound of a crying child was. I was used to the name calling by now so it doesn't bother me at all.

"You better shut it up and make me breakfast, before I shout you both up permanently," he threatened.

I nod, then went on to tend to Rose, who was crying loudly.

It had been a month now since aunt Marie passed and everything just keeps on getting worse. Kimberly and Desmond has made my life more difficult than I could ever imagine. They both abuse me in everyway possible, expect physically. They would have thrown Rose and I out from the moment aunt Marie died, if it was not for the Will she left behind stating that the house was ours. And that made her childen furious espeically Desmond who wanted it.

Kimberly treated us bad, but most of the time she couldn't careless about us. She treated us as if we had Ebola. That made me happy, one less spoiled brat to deal with. She wasn't home ninety percent of the time, but when she was she would ignore us, if she wasn't demanding me to do all she needed me to do.

Desmond was the thorn in my side, picking at my fresh with his glares and with the verbal shits he spits from his lying tongue. He was the devil himself in the form of a ulgy looking human fool, pathetic if you think about it, preying on your younger cousins just because you simply don't like them and worse since your mother decide to leave the house to them.

I would ignore him when he use his lying tongue to say and spread propaganda about my parents and us. I don't miss the creepy looks he would give me, but I would brush it off.

I may be naive about a lot of things, but I wasn't a fool.

Living with them is a pain I must endure until I can afford to move out.

Rose stop crying as soon as she sees me, having her arms out straight towards me. My heart aches every time a look at her, she resemble's our mom so much. It aches even more at the thought of Rose growing up without her and our dad. Growing up without the love of both parents, I'll love her with everything in me, but it will never compare to the love of a mom or dad.

Gathering her in my arms, I whisper words of love and wonder causing her to smile as I took care of her needs. Then I tickle her mercilessly making her squeal and giggles. Seeing her smiling face cause a smile to erupt on my lips.

"I vow to always protect and be there for you, my sweet baby," I whisper to her watching her eyes shine, "And to always have your eyes shining and sparkling with life and love."

Our moment was interrupt by the voice of the devil shouting my name. The smile that was on my lips a minute ago turn into a frown. Settling Rose down in comfort, I went to check on what he wanted.

Going to the kitchen I saw Desmond standing there drinking some brown colour substance probably alcohol. Noticing my presence he turn to me glaring at me with vemon in his eyes. Fear fulled me when I see him like this. Fear for Rose and myself.

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